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Welcome to the Galactic News Service
Twanton System Lockdown
Posted by: Hawk Muldrake, New Anzat Order
Date: Year 5 Day 205 Onboard the Guardian-class Medium Cruiser AOS Iserdak in system Twanton.

The insignia of the New Anzat Order appears on the screen for a few moments, before being promptly replaced with the image of a dark haired commander, fairly young for his rank.
It takes a moment for the commander to realise that the receiver is active, at which time he looks up promptly.

Fleet Commander Muldrake, commanding the Phoenix Fleet reporting, Prime Minister.
Everything is going well, the securing of Twanton is continuing with success. We have had no big difficulties and do not foresee any anytime soon.

Ground troops have landed on Sinite, one of the main planets of the system, currently they ar-
*The commander is interrupted for a moment by a young female ensign, who passes a infopad before him. He smiles, dismissing and thanking her*
An update on the events on Sinite:
The capital of Sinite, Sinitia has been secured. There was almost no need for the ground troops to have been present, as the majority of the Siniteens have welcomed us with open arms. And now with the capital, the remaining cities are doing the same.
As expected we are encountering some minority groups causing a disturbance, but they are being handled as we speak.
Landing groups 1st, 3rd and 4th are currently present with the 2nd in reserve aboard the Iserdak.

*The smile becomes more obvious as the commander takes a moment*
The people of the Twanton system are requesting to be accepted into the New Anzat Order.
I have also received a transmission from the Mayor of Sinite. He says he would like

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Events in Brief
Year 25 Day 151: Trilon Inc. was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
Year 25 Day 150: Chars Antarian Ranger Security Enforcers was dissolved today.
Year 25 Day 150: Skarka Trongard, the leader of Chars Antarian Ranger Security Enforcers was replaced today by Torth Ladar.