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Imperial Moff Captured, Tried, and Executed
Hacked by: Avatar, Rebel Alliance
Date: Year 6 Day 11 Onboard the YV-666 Aura in system Republica (-127, 395).
BREAKING NEWS - Galactic News Service, Adbatar: The following Release has been received from the Alliance High Command, and Supreme Commander Avatar Voidrunner:

"A short while ago, the Alliance learned about Imperial incursions into the Thrax sector, and more specifically, into the area near the Gand system, Avatar's home. As a member of the Alliance, Avatar is dedicated to fighting the oppression of the Empire, and to protect the innocent citizens of the Galaxy from it's predations. In addition to this, as a Jedi, Avatar is sworn to aid those who cannot protect themselves from the predations of the Sith, the Empire, and any others who would become tyrannical dictators. A few months ago Avatar was named as a Janwuine by Hal Breden, the Kaalif'taa of Ara, a position all Gand strive for, but few attain. This action helped to reinforce Avatar's sense of duty towards his people. And when it was discovered that Imperial Grand Moff Kirov Quel-Droma was moving about the Thrax sector and near the Gand system investigating areas of possible colonization, and establishing Stormtrooper garrisons, the Alliance had to act to prevent another sector from falling under the Imperial jackboot.

However, Alissma is a neutral religious group in the galactic struggle, and this presented a moral dilemma, as they would not agree to an Operation near their space in the Gand system, even if it was aimed to protect them and their neutrality. So Alliance agents contacted another, middle level member of Allissma, and arranged to purchase several Alissma facilities directly from them. Avatar personally apologizes to Hal at this time for acting without his permission, and the Alliance has already returned all facilities.

Earlier today, CRI Agents then located, cornered, and captured Moff Kirov Quel-Droma. A High Command Tribunal was established, and Kirov's case was heard. Kirov Quel-Droma, long time Imperial Moff, member of Imperial High Command, a man who has for years willingly served the evil of the Empire and the Sith, and perpetrated many crimes against sentience, was sentenced to execution by Alliance High Command. The sentence was carried out by the CRI Agents."

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Events in Brief
Year 25 Day 168: The anomalies emanating from Gasteroid are rippling through hyperspace across the Galaxy, causing temporal disruptions...
Year 25 Day 168: After widespread accusations of corruption by BlueFire Mining in Mysterious Asteroid 51324's elections, it is unclear who is the rightful leader of the world's government.
Year 25 Day 167: After bitter negotiations, the citizens of Vagran I Companion have relented and agreed to allow Bounty Hunters Guild to govern them.
Year 25 Day 167: Kolohe Mining Group MK2 has wrested control of Kheedar I away from Bounty Hunters Guild after a shocking election season that has left analysts puzzled.
Year 25 Day 167: With a super-majority of planetary legislators comfortably in pocket, Bounty Hunters Guild has all but assumed control of Vagran, previously governed by Kolohe Mining Group MK2.
Year 25 Day 167: Bounty Hunters Guild has wrested control of Vagran I away from Kolohe Mining Group MK2 after a shocking election season that has left analysts puzzled.
Year 25 Day 167: Board members of Bounty Hunters Guild have bought majority shares in the treasury, infrastructure, and major planetary corporations on Vagran II, effectively giving them more power than Kolohe Mining Group MK2 who previously governed the world.
Year 25 Day 167: While their coup has been condemned by many across the galaxy, Bounty Hunters Guild has formed a government and assumed control of Xyquine III, replacing Kolohe Mining Group MK2.
Year 25 Day 167: Now that Kolohe Mining Group MK2 controls the vast majority of Kheedar Companion’s economy, its leadership has come to be seen as the real authority on the planet instead of Bounty Hunters Guild.
Year 25 Day 167: The ruling classes on Kheedar have lost confidence in Bounty Hunters Guild to govern their world effectively and have instead appealed to Kolohe Mining Group MK2 for leadership.
Year 25 Day 166: Amid the screams of terror, and due to the uncertain nature of things, Linkin Bark has retreated back to their Shuttle and are postponing their concert until Y25 D173 at 19:30 CGT
Year 25 Day 166: Zooksgad! An explosion has been detected at Noctis' Taco Research Laboratory on Gasteroid. Massive biological and gravitational anomalies are lighting up sensors across the Bright Jewel system.