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Mandalore On Expedition Against Slavery
Posted by: Korlan Mereel, Mandalore
Date: Year 17 Day 32 Onboard the Strike-Class Medium Cruiser MSS Muun Nynir in system Honoghr (405, 63).

Honoghr, Honoghr System (Te Verd Ca'narase) - A statement from the office of Mand'alor Andrew Panzer has confirmed that a 'significant' number of Mandalorians have been re-deployed to the Kessel sector and primarily to the Honoghr system after several reports on attacks on Noghri villages in the last twelve hours.


It is believed that the attacks began somewhere in the northern hemisphere of Honoghr, with the settlements of Grand Dukha and Zhuk'nor being assaulted simultaneously and a number of sacred sites being desecrated during heavy fighting between local Mandalorian ground forces together with native Noghri against a large contigent of suspected slavers. The highest profile of these attacks was close to Grand Dukha, where a temple was razed and the adjoining burial area became an execution site for more than hundred Noghri, who resisted against the slave hunters. Unconfirmed reports speaks about the slavers being commanded by an cloaked humanoid armed with what could only be described as an energy whip.


After Mandalorian reinforcements arrived to mount an assault and assess the situation, it is believed that almost one thousand more local Noghri residents of the area are reported missing, suspected having been seized by the slavers and brought off world. In the hours after the attacks on Honoghr, further details of assaults on an colony on Kuthul, as well as assaults on several orbital facilities around Fildrost and Andelich have been reported but with no confirmed missing residents.

The Mandalore military released a joint statement a little over two hours ago, confirming that a task force from the famed Mandalorian Heavy Fleet has been deployed to the system in order to re-secure the area, arrest any Non-Mandalore citizens and engage any hostiles with lethal force. It should be noted that Honoghr is considered as restricted space for Non-Mandalorians, its only open system is the Okyaab system, and that any intruders may be arrested or engaged. Military operations in the Honoghr system is expected to start within the coming hours, with the arrival of the first battle vessels.

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Events in Brief
Year 25 Day 144: Czerka Corporation, holding numerous systems, today claimed their independence. Czerka Corporation is now recognized in the Galaxy as a legal government.
Year 25 Day 143: Haor Chall Engineering was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
Year 25 Day 143: Tyris Smith, the leader of Kuat Drive Yards was replaced today by Thion Roseland.
Year 25 Day 143: Thion Roseland, the leader of Baktoid Armour Workshop was replaced today by Kieran Pakbret.
Year 25 Day 142: Bara Fur, the leader of Industrial Automaton was replaced today by Coren Rinou.