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Welcome to the Galactic News Service
An Open Letter from the New Republic CMO
Hacked by: Josh Jericho, The Inner Circle
Date: Year 21 Day 36 Onboard the Trading II Middenheim in system Kashyyyk (210, 90).


From: New Republic Armed Forces
Office of the Chief of Military Operations

To: All Galactic Sentients

Re: Open Letter from the Chief of Military Operations

I am High Admiral Josh Jericho, the Chief of Military Operations of the New Republic. I joined the Rebel Alliance just before the merger of several organizations to form the New Republic. I started my career by participating in the liberation of Kashyyyk and Trandosha, as well as numerous other operations. My entire career has been fighting for the freedom of all sentients of the Galaxy.

The New Republic Armed Forces (NRAF) is alive and well. Due to the betrayal by the former Chief of State, all military assets of the NRAF have mysteriously shut down. We have been active in rescue and recover operations though out the Galaxy. We are pleased to announce that the New Republic’s military officers have moved to safe ships and are active. All members of the New Republic Senate are safe, including High Marshal Ogawa and Wing Commander Banesblade. Most of the Senators were off planet at the time of the betrayal performing their full time duties.

The New Republic Armed Forces has not surrendered. The New Republic Armed Forces will not surrender. We signed up to fight tyranny and oppression. We will not stop. We will not surrender. We are willing to sacrifice our own lives for this cause. Some of us have.

Together with our allies and friends, we have repeatedly pushed the oppressors back. When the empire declared the Hosnian system to be under their thumb, we met them face-to-face. We lost thousands of people to the murderous rampages of imperial officers. In the meantime, we were able to evacuate thousands of imperial conscripted workers to neutral planets. While we controlled the system, many civilians were able to evacuate the combat zone. Half the planets there are still free. On Serroco, we battled imperial union troops from the TSK, and forced them to withdraw from the planet. These are only a couple of examples of the NRAF facing down imperial aggression.

From his fortified palace on Coruscant, the self-proclaimed king of the galaxy looks to rule over us. It does not matter what we are called or will be called. We will continue to oppose those who would enslave the Galaxy. We will not be bullied. We will not be oppressed. We will not surrender. We call on all freedom-loving sentients of the Galaxy to join us in this fight.

There are more of us than there are of them. May the Force be with us all!

Josh Jericho, High Admiral
New Republic Chief of Military Operations


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Events in Brief
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Year 25 Day 158: Slaanesh Andromeda, the leader of Deep Space Shipwrights was replaced today by Sarai Andromeda Morbus.
Year 25 Day 158: Sarai Andromeda Morbus, the leader of Deep Space Trading was replaced today by Tyr Kratos.
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Year 25 Day 157: Olanji/Charubah was dissolved today.
Year 25 Day 155: The Black Lance was dissolved today due to inactivity.