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Welcome to the Galactic News Service
Order and Repression on Tatooine
Posted by: Arminius, Galactic Empire
Date: Year 0 Day 1 From the Palace the Underworld Palace Stronghold in city Palace compound on planet Tatooine.
***An Imperial Crest and the image of the planet Tatooine appears on your holonet... and, from his desk, Brigadier General Drakken puts his signature onto a paper, than looks at the camera...***

Citizens of the Empire, I have great news from Tatooine. Despite the propaganda from the ineffective - and seemingly corrupted - Jedi Praxium and his allies, the Imperial Army maintains order with a ruthless effeciency. Nothing stands and resists to the AT-ATs deployed on the planet. What can we expect from these Rebels but lies, deceit, and robbery?

Our units have reported the presence of spies on the planet. That was to be expected, but a few aliens, fanatics and bigots will not scare the might of the Empire. And for your viewing pleasure, I will show you this...

***The image shows a landing pad surrounded by stormtroopers and AT-ATs... a few more troopers exit behind someone hand-cuffed... the camera zooms on his belt to a lightsaber...***

Even the so-called "Jedis" cannot resist the Empire. Cobbi Fonor has been spotted on Mos Eisley in Landing Pad 94. All the forces present in Mos Eisley were mobilized to have him arrested, dead or alive. As I thought, Jedis are cowards; as expected he surrendered without a fight. He is presently transported to be be "interrogated"... and will be shortly transfered to the Siths whom will have the greatest of "care" for him.

As for the Brotherhood of the Sand, do not be missunderstood. No AT-AT has been lost on Tatooine since the liberation of the planet. The Brotherhood of the Sand is only a gang of seditious Jawas who think that ideals win wars. But a few Jawas is always a huge splatter when caught under a AT-AT.

Imperial Army troopers are patrolling the cities. Zion and Anchorhead, the two most important cities, are monitored through and through. And unauthorized non-Imperials are well-treated: they are offered a swift death.

***A distant volley of blaster shots is suddenly heard outside of the Palace... then the silence...***

Do not worry, citizens, it was only an firing squad...

The atmosphere is controlled and all movements by ships are followed and scanned. Those who are "not authorized" are fired upon and destroyed.

Tatooine is under tight control. It is not interpretation, it is a fact. And a bunch of immoral Rebels, weak Jedis and crazed Jawas will not change that.

Good night to you, citizens. And Long Live the Empire!

***The image fades to the Imperial Crest. In the background, regiments of sandtroopers guard the Palace and salute the image of Emperor Uebles. The Imperial March is played, as sandtroopers shout with a dreadful zeal***

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Events in Brief
Year 25 Day 175: Gadzooks! Scouts have discovered the system Arvala at location (330, -260).
Year 25 Day 175: CRITICAL UPDATE: Gasteroid impacts Ord Mantell, takes down shields, and leaves massive crater. It is reported that there were minimal casualties, and that rescue efforts are now underway. The government of Ord Mantell has declared an emergency.
Year 25 Day 175: Gasteroid’s economic and political situation has disintegrated into chaos, making it unclear who exactly is in charge - but it isn’t Quests.
Year 25 Day 175: With no one left who is willing to challenge their leadership or run for planetary office, Galactic Empire has now assumed complete control of Abregado-san.
Year 25 Day 175: With the brutal civil war that has consumed Abregado-san in recent months only escalating, most of the galaxy’s governments no longer recognize Galactic Empire as the planet’s ruling body.
Year 25 Day 175: Jabiim Consortium has been renamed to Menagerie. The press is still waiting for comments on the change.
Year 25 Day 174: BREAKING: Gasteroid has slipped between Geod'n and Diamxi. None dare predict where it will end up. Ord Mantell has raised its planetary shields to maximum power and Gasteroid authorities are starting a mass evacuation at D175 0:00.
Year 25 Day 174: Jarwen`faar Kruder, the leader of Jabiim Consortium was replaced today by Damyo Kruder.
Year 25 Day 173: Amidst the tremors and gravitational anomalies, Linkin Bark performed tonight on Gasteroid as a part of their Twin Suns tour for a record crowd of nearly 950 sentients, setting a new all-time record! Rumor has it that they are donating leaves as a reward for attending!
Year 25 Day 173: BREAKING: Astronomers have measured the changes in Gasteroid's velocity and course. The probability of a collision with Ord Mantell or one of its moons - Geod'n, Diamxi or Quantxi - is considered high. Authorities are not urging an evacuation yet...
Year 25 Day 172: After widespread accusations of corruption by Rebel Alliance in Clak'dor VI Remnants's elections, it is unclear who is the rightful leader of the world's government.