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The Views of a Pirate
Posted by: Zachai Dracolis, Malebranche
Date: Year 5 Day 174 Onboard the YV-666 Night Stalker in system Kiin.
The feed of the Imperial Public Television goes fuzzy and gray...only to be replaced with an image of a simple YV-666. The Camera zooms into the bridge, before seemingly going through it to reveal a modest looking man in his late twenties. Some may recognize him as Zachai Dracolis, the Corellian who wears, short, spiky, brown hair. His ice blue eyes seem to lure you in before you look at the rest of him. He keeps clean-shaven. He sports black military boots, formal black pants, tight black T-shirt and silk over shirt, left open. Z also keeps a black cloak open around him.. He stands at 6'4" and roughly 200 lb. A large ornate katana rests upon his right hip.

"My name is Zachai Dr

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Events in Brief
Year 25 Day 174: BREAKING: Gasteroid has slipped between Geod'n and Diamxi. None dare predict where it will end up. Ord Mantell has raised its planetary shields to maximum power and Gasteroid authorities are starting a mass evacuation at D175 0:00.
Year 25 Day 174: Jarwen`faar Kruder, the leader of Jabiim Consortium was replaced today by Damyo Kruder.
Year 25 Day 173: Amidst the tremors and gravitational anomalies, Linkin Bark performed tonight on Gasteroid as a part of their Twin Suns tour for a record crowd of nearly 950 sentients, setting a new all-time record! Rumor has it that they are donating leaves as a reward for attending!
Year 25 Day 173: BREAKING: Astronomers have measured the changes in Gasteroid's velocity and course. The probability of a collision with Ord Mantell or one of its moons - Geod'n, Diamxi or Quantxi - is considered high. Authorities are not urging an evacuation yet...
Year 25 Day 172: After widespread accusations of corruption by Rebel Alliance in Clak'dor VI Remnants's elections, it is unclear who is the rightful leader of the world's government.
Year 25 Day 172: BREAKING: Astronomers are reporting to the Galactic Science Committee that the moon Gasteroid in the Bright Jewel System seems to be moving. Stay tuned for more updates!
Year 25 Day 172: Officials are receiving reports of tremors, gravitational anomalies and sinkholes from all over Gasteroid. Residents of Gasteroid note that they feel heavier and that walking anywhere takes significantly more effort than before. Scientists are researching these anomalies...
Year 25 Day 171: Authorities have declared a state of emergency on Gasteroid, setting up a blood drive in the Infested Research Centre and asking ANYONE who hasn't donated a sample of their blood to do so.