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Posted by Ellias Aubec on Year 13 Day 2 0:25

As mentioned in the Sim News post about the Galaxy 2.0 update, around 20 races had an update to their homeworld. We had to wait while the NPC cities were spawned and fixed up to allow for races to be able to spawn there. This has now been done, so those races will now spawn at their correct planets. So for those that are picking up members that have recently spawned (in the last day or so), please check their locations so you don't head to the old planet. Since all these planets are Darkness controlled for now, and only have one city, there will be no shields to impede travel.

For those of you wondering, please do not lay city slabs on uncontrolled planets still - Jesfa informs me that there may still be some moons or such that haven't been sorted out yet. The restriction should be lifted by the end of the calendar year (not SWC year!).


Jesfa Update:  I apologize to those of you who have contacted me regarding galaxy issues in the past and haven't had them done yet.  It's been a rough month or so timewise for me, and while I hope I took care of most, if you have contacted me in the past and your issue hasn't been fixed, please forgive me and send me a DM.  Likewise, if you see any issues with your space, and haven't contacted me yet, please do so, once we're set we can begin the addition of new space!

(Edited by Jesfa on Year 13 Day 2)