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Posted by Gav on Year 14 Day 38 12:16

Good work this week from the team.

I am saying now: Blocking up the Barracks on Derra with NPCs, to prevent others from hiring will be punished.

Bug Fixes

- Shipyards are not sharing Raw Materials despite being adjacent (Bug 2428)
I get more than 40 XP when fighting with a double bladed lightsaber (Bug 2735)
IRC Nick Visible on Previous Characters (Bug 2726)

- Can no longer view the force page whilst arrested.
- Can no longer assign skill points when arrested.

- Allow Force Heal on Creatures (If it didn't work, blame Mikel)
- Faction Event Wording.
- Helpers of overallLevel can see the receiver column on the CP Sheet.

- Custom Art rules 7 and 8 updated and reworded
- Locks Formulas fixed (white spaces added and changed the variables to reflect what they are now)

- NPC Shop Rules Page Added (Provides what is sold in the shop and shop locations
- Cybernetics Rules Page Updated

- Minor typos corrected on faction creation
- Unassigning a person causes abortion of travel rule inserted
- Faction banner size corrections

- Rules for Handle Changes are now displayed on the Character Creation Rules