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Posted by Selatos on Year 15 Day 238 1:23

Two updates for you all this evening.

The first is that the easter eggs/presents have finally been converted into CPs. For your entertainment, here are some statistics on the results:

Total eggs: 158799
Homeless eggs (unclaimed): 147824
Claimed: 6.911%

Top ten egg collectors:
#1: Steve Sphinx with 365
#2: Xrati Zee with 253
#3: Bancho Curr with 250
#4: Guenther Netzer with 250
#5: Xakic Jix with 159
#6: Bossive Ketwol with 156
#7: Dac Kain with 150
#8: Kal Djin with 142
#9: Ellias Aubec with 134
#10: Emanon Klatoo with 131

You may also have noticed that you received two CP events. This is because I screwed up the first time while distributing rewards :(.

The second is that we've posted two new bounties in the "Work for CPs" forum: the first deals with improving the way CSS files are organized and updated, and will probably be a relatively lengthy project; the second deals with NPC template skill representation on the rules pages. If you'd like to contribute to SWC but don't know how to program, these are good opportunities that do not require extensive experience, and hopefully you will be satisfied with the reward/effort ratio.


Edit: The egg removal caused some problems with certain containers, but this has been fixed.

(Edited by Selatos on Year 15 Day 239)