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Posted by Selatos on Year 15 Day 249 0:07

Gameplay Changes
- Newly created factions will have initial value set to the minimum for their faction type, not the actual capital on hand
- Faction initial values have been (universally) reset to match the minimum requirements for their faction types
- Faction initial values will never be modified in response to stock issuing, etc.

- Added an un-claim button to disown items you own (at your position only, currently)
- Kick passenger button restricted to "Visible on this entity" box

Bug Fixes
- Fixed an exploit involving city creation for XP gain
- People now get XP when travel finishes and they are on a docked entity (ID: 3426)

Rules Updates
- Made the 21 day penalty for dropping a char red and bold to grab peoples attention more
- Updated the Ground Combat rules to reflect that weapons and items cannot be equipped or unequipped while in a fire delay
- Updated the Facility Construction rules to clarify that the Administrator or Chief Commissioner of a city can modify roads

Dev Tools
- New VM for developers to use
- Room map tool fixed (still waiting on maps)

(Edited by Selatos on Year 15 Day 249)