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Posted by Selatos on Year 16 Day 2 11:33

Update to revision 29286 (+256)

- Added Merchant Space Docks to HQ checks and NPC Transport locations
- Mines now yield properly (Bug 3582) (hotfix)
- Named rooms will now properly appear in the movement list (Bug 3583)
- Fixed station construction throwing an argument error (Bug 3580) (hotfix)
- NPC Control now shows all NPCs you can access, previously was just the ones you piloted
- Added the Arrested overlay to the Cockpit view (Bug 3581)

- Improvements to templates for NPCs
- Rules pages for ships, droids, and vehicles now indicate what class it belongs to (such as Light Freighter, etc.)
- Production Faction Types updated in the rules
- Spying rules, life and death rules, and multi-account rules have updated wording
- Weapons table on the rules page is now sortable and weapon names link to their respective rules pages

- Talk/Interact only appears if the entity has a script available
- New images for the following: Thermal Goggles, Robe, QH-3 LAV, Mobquet A-1 Deluxe Floater, Minimag PTL Rocket Launcher
- Journal UI changes and general HTML cleanup
- DM ship/vehicle owner link in cockpit
- Updates to LISP system, see changelog for details, as there are too many changes to reasonably list here

- Party stealth: you can enter stealth mode while in a party now. The lowest stealth skill is used for the whole party, and a penalty based on party size is applied to your stealth score.


This sync has fewer changes than usual, but it seems everyone is taking holidays at the same time. With the new year approaching, I thought it might also be good to identify the primary development goals that we have for the year. Minor things will probably come up, but this is an overview of the tasks that will guide our implementation strategy over the next 12 months

SWC 2015 Development Targets

In the target list, completed targets (shown to establish a reference point) are in green. Targets in progress are in orange, and targets not yet started are in grey. Repair has started testing this past week. We are also developing a new, planet-level power sharing system, which entered the initial implementation phase this week, and work has begun on another new inventory system, because the current system has too many issues for a straightforward fix. Likely we will not wait until it is 100% complete to release it but instead offer the ability to use both inventories once it is stable, until all features have been moved over.

The focus is primarily on engine support for combat and non-combat game content creation. After combat we can implement R&D, and after our main new features are done we will loop back around to the economy to start working on a new stock market, the first of many changes that will enhance the economic simuation. In parallel we will be rolling out lots of server changes to address performance scaling and improve the developer workflow.

I know there is a strong interest in announcing the results of last weekend's presentations regarding the spying rules and IC/OOC separation. We are still discussing things and I will post an update during the week some time with the results and a dedicated message about it. Some of the basic rules clarifications were included in this sync, but we have not reached our final conclusions.

(Edited by Selatos on Year 16 Day 2)