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Posted by Selatos on Year 16 Day 225 20:49

Update to revision ebb7a91a7c07cabcaac43e3df5990b79b4e6f62a (+76)

- Bug #3799 X button now works on modules
- Fixed bug where multiple modules couldn't be disabled on members page
- Fixed bug #3800, unable to load party screen when a character is present
- Fixed bug with GNS posting privs not providing access to choose the correct category on the post page
- Keycard crafting will no longer auto-restart
- Inventory fitout text updated to reflect clicking instead of dragging

- Members page automatically refreshes. Style, text, and watermarking changed to increase readability
- Lots of CSS changes: images replaced with css, gaps and margins improved in the header, larger clickable header link area
- Colors changed a little bit to increase (functional) consistency between skins and improve overall polish of color schemes. Not all icons were updated, they are still pending conversion to css or svg from images
- Ship, vehicle, item, and droid production factions have been merged into a single general type. General production factions cost 70m to create
- Medical droids now produced at medical factions
- LIN-series miners, alpha plus charges, and blaststicks now produced at mining factions
- C-wing uglies now produced by recycling factions

- Can now walk through gates if they are open to all
- Datacard assignments are now broken into three categories: restricted, free, and generic, plus rare entities that do not have datacards
- Generic datacards may be purchased by general type only, with cost based on DC "slot" value: 5m credits per slot, total active members must exceed the cumulative number of slots used by owned generic DCs.
- All existing datacards are being reassigned, see below for important information about this change.

This sync incorporates dramatic changes to the way the datacard system works. Datacards are now available for purchase by general production factions that do not own restricted datacards. They may be purchased at any time if your faction is elligible and meets the cost and membership requirements. Each datacard costs 5m credits per slot, and your total active member count must be above the cumulative number of slots occupied by all owned generic datacards.

All existing datacard assignments have been reevaluated. If you currently own datacards that fall under the restricted category after this change, their uses have been set to zero, meaning you cannot assign them to any new production facilities. Existing assigned uses will remain valid for one week, until July 19th, 2015, to allow some time to begin a final round of production for entities you may be losing. After this time, existing assignments will also be removed. I understand this will create significant IC turmoil as it may affect production contracts, datacard contracts, etc., but I'd really appreciate it if players would try to not be assholes to each other about this. It may require some non-RP decision making to "do the right thing" because the game is being rebalanced. Datacard reassignment is not something you should try to incorporate into your IC history as magically losing your technology or something equally stupid, and you should not use this opportunity to scam people and then claim you're totally legit because the admins took away your production, so it's not your fault.

Restricted technology will be assigned based on one of two criteria: (1) it is assigned as 'canon' tech, either in a SW or SWC canon sense, to one of five government factions: GE, NR, Hapes, TF, and FF; or (2) it is assigned as 'draft' tech, which will be selected by factions that elect to participate in the datacard draft. All existing production factions of the four types that are being merged can choose to participate in the draft or transition to full time generic datacard production. There will be one draft per legacy faction type, where factions who were previously of that type will take turns selected datacards from the draft pool, ordered by faction create date. The draft will happen in the leaders' forum to keep off-topic posts to a minimum, but we will try to keep updated information available in other locations to watch its progress. Draft selections will be made by the faction leader or a designated subordinate who has access to the forum (i.e. you need to make them 2IC if you will delegate, for the time being). Each draftable datacard has a number of slots associated with it that identifies how many times it may be drafted before it becomes unavailable. Undoubtably the draft will take some time, but we will strive to hand out datacards quickly as they are drafted.

The list of datacard reassignments is summarized in this google doc. As you can see in the document, there are 60 or so generic datacards (not all generics are listed--all previous generics are also generics moving forward but I did not add them all to the spreadsheet). This list also includes the draft order for each category. There are many previously restricted or unavailable datacards that are either draftable or even generic in some cases. Furthermore, several type-specific datacards have been added to non-production factions as well, partly to compensate for lost restricted tech. One example is the dreadnaught, which is now available to all government factions, but it still requires a ship production faction to actually make them.

There will be no faction mergers at this time, primarily because there are no datacard transfers to preserve. If you wish to participate in the draft, your faction must not dissolve. If not, you are free to empty the faction and dissolve it to concentrate your assets in a different faction. Only the faction creation date and previous category will affect its draft status, so if you wish to draft with one faction you own but not another, you may dissolve the second and place all your assets into the first. After the draft, should a faction that owns restricted datacards dissolve, those datacards will return to the draft pool. On some regular interval, to be determined based on how quickly restricted tech becomes unavailable again, we will hold further drafts for any lost datacards, open to any general production factions that do not hold generics. Ordering for future re-drafts will likely be based on number of datacards held, with the smallest number held granting priority.

Finally, we will also be handing out the canon assignments sometime this week, after some time for community response to the assignments. I'm sure there will be lots of angry debate about the new datacard assignment, but keep in mind that essentially every faction has lost datacards, some of which have been held for a long time. There will be a dedicated thread for discussion and another for suggestion of new entities, as there are a few critical gaps on the canon list I wish to fill quickly.

(Edited by Selatos on Year 16 Day 226)