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Posted by Selatos on Year 16 Day 233 22:08

Mini sync to address some datacard related issues and clear up several things.

- Generic list added to the datacard overview rules page. Most of the rest of the page (regarding R&D, etc.) is still inaccurate
- Slot information added to cards that are generic on the details page for each entity
- You cannot hold any generics to become a government
- Upon reverting from government status you give up previously held government-only datacards (an old bug technically, it seems)
- Production exceptions updated for non-manufacturing groups:
-- LIN miners can be produced by mining factions, DC created for mining factions automatically
-- Mining vehicles, farming vehicles cannot be produced by mining factions, bu they do hold the DCs
-- Mining explosives can be produced by mining factions, DCs created automatically
-- Medical droids can be produced by medical factions, DCs created automatically
-- Medical ships and vehicles cannot be produced by medical factions, but they do hold the DCs
-- Recycling factions can produce uglies that they hold the datacards for
-- Other recycling ships and vehicles, which have actual schematics and a specification require an outside manufacturing group as before

Originally I was thinking of giving mining, medical, and recycling the full production pipeline for their other assets, but I realized that would reduce the need for back and forth interaction too much. Now they can produce assets required for day-to-day operations (explosives in mining are an upcoming change once a programmer is free to handle it) but still require outside support for creating the more interdisciplinary entities like ships and vehicles.

In the future production rules are liable to change again (become simpler) once there is R&D and it makes less sense to have arbitrary boundaries for tech based on faction type, but that is a long ways away.

(Edited by Selatos on Year 16 Day 233)