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Posted by Erek on Year 16 Day 353 17:03

Forgive me, Combine, for I have sinned. It has been 108 days since last I held the hammer.

1 Year 16 Day 352, 16:26 Erek banned player Sol Suthar providing the following reason: Multi Ban
1 Year 16 Day 352, 16:25 Erek banned player Grank Dote providing the following reason: Multi Ban
1 Year 16 Day 352, 16:25 Erek banned player Teekon Khel providing the following reason: Multi Ban
2 Year 16 Day 352, 16:23 Erek banned player Slash Kor providing the following reason: Multi Ban
2 Year 16 Day 352, 16:23 Erek banned player Sulan Katoo providing the following reason: Multi Ban
2 Year 16 Day 352, 16:22 Erek banned player Dessal Sinota providing the following reason: Multi Ban
2 Year 16 Day 352, 16:22 Erek banned player Jor Panoka providing the following reason: Multi Ban
3 Year 16 Day 352, 16:21 Erek banned player Veg Turo providing the following reason: Multi Ban
3 Year 16 Day 352, 16:21 Erek banned player Fang Kin providing the following reason: Multi Ban

Group 1 is a repeat offender and, as such, has been permabanned. Group 2 has abused the multi-paccount rules with a network of accounts and, as such, has been banned for 3 months. Group 3 has abused the multi-account rules and, as such, has been banned for 6 weeks.

I discovered the phrase "as such" over the past week, and I'll probably use it for another three weeks until I get bored and discover a new uppity phrase to use.

Good night, Combine, and I hope you play your Christmas Music loud.