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Posted by Veynom on Year 17 Day 34 12:57

After seeing the birth of the Combine and helping it in growing for the past 17 years, time has come for me to pass the hand. The Combine has been a wonderful experience to me and I hope that this feeling is shared by many.

Today I leave but I let you in the hands of Selatos who I have appointed as my successor. His constant dedication and expanding organizational skills make him the right person to take over and ensure the Combine will pursue its extraordinary adventure for another decade or two. For those who wonder, Selatos and I have worked together on this smooth transitions since a few months already.

I would like to finish by thanking all players who play and played this game, had fun and provided fun to others. The Combine is a game and must remain an entertaining one. I thank also all people who worked on the Combine since its foundation and made it the successful story that it is.

So thank you and May The Force Be With You All, Ever.