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Posted by Selatos on Year 17 Day 225 21:48

Naomi Felian has been banned for three months following several spying rules-type issues involving accessing other players' accounts on private forums, accessing private forum content they were not authorized to, and related activities. Jeor Knight has been banned for one month for his involvement in a leadership role relating to Naomi's activities. Naomi has also had membership removed from the QA/testing team and will not be eligible to rejoin.

I'd like to remind everyone that it is not permitted to circumvent access restrictions or use other players' accounts on third party, SWC-related websites. These sites are not operated by or affiliated with SWC's team, but nonetheless violating applicable rules when sufficient evidence is presented will be punished. Faction leadership should always work to promote good behavior OOC. We are a single community OOC even if many players are on opposite sides IC.