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Posted by Selatos on Year 18 Day 30 16:01

Update to revision 4d5cc9818f685bca8e35a59f85b9bdabfafe3485 (+31)

- Custom image rules updated on CP exchange page (#4208)
- Mysterious eggs no longer appear on the NPC market for 0 credits, instead starting at 100,000cr. Also, bugged cargo container prices will work rather than choking on the distance part of the price equation. (#4198 & #4199)
- Clarified TT-8L failing to deploy error messages, acknowledges deployment in faction-owned facilities (#4191)
- Added fields to planet CTool to allow for removal of broken planet images (#4176)
- (Un)Assigning DCs doesn't check for "Assign Datacards" priv (Unreported)
- Mine inventory shows unlimited yield regardless of if yield is specified (#4184)
- Naval shipyard (facility) doesn't show tooled to information in inventory (Unreported)
- Missing space in RSS feed item for new faction creation (#4185)

- Requesting an authorized faction resource with credentials of someone no longer in that faction will now return a 401 instead of acting like it worked but showing the public result. (Web API Forum)
- Leaving a faction will now reset all previously granted API permissions (Unreported)
- Removed v0.1 API resources and documentation due to v1.0 being the maintained version of the API (Unreported)
- SimNews categories WS paths conflict with viewing specific articles paths (Unreported)
- Pulling SimNews via API fails (Unreported)
- Revoking WS tokens fails (Unreported)
- WS Documentation fails to display (#4171)
- WS Hub uses different CSS than rest of SWC (#3995)
- Character resource fails due to nonexistent resource (#4186)
- GNS/Military resource fails (Unreported)

With this sync we've upgraded to the latest stable version of PHP, 5.6, for the first time likely since the release of PHP 5. There might be outstanding issues due to language differences between 5.6 and 5.4, so please open bug reports with details. In general, this version of PHP should offer significant performance improvements through the integration of an opcode cache, in addition to making it easier for us to keep software updated.