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Posted by Selatos on Year 18 Day 140 22:15

- Added remote recycling abort option to inventory
- Added remote production resume/abort/pause options to inventory
- Inventory/Entity/Property route permits pausing/resuming/aborting remotely of more actions (production, recycling (aborting only))
- Recycling stations can recycle entities at their same location in addition to those docked inside of them.
- added special room map images for Crystal Caves

- Hide entities that are not partyable from the squadron screen (such as capital ships which cannot be partied)
- clicking 'travel' when in cockpit in hyperspace shows error, now shows hyperspace screen (#4331)
- Existing factions sometimes lack newly created privs being assigned to their leaders. (#4338)
- Inventory/Entity/Tags/Tag resource collides with Inventory/Entity/Tags resource (Unreported)
- Fixing various bugs with lisp is-owner and co, planet-name and co (reported on IRC)
- When party leader dies in combat, party members disappear due to corrupt entity location (#4335)
- WS routes looking for permissions that don't exist (Unreported)
- WS documentation shows different permissions needed than it actually checks for (Unreported)
- Fix another crash on rules page when race has no bonus skills (unreported)
- Fix crash on rules page when race has empty bonus skills (unreported)
- Make entityLocation more strict about split parties, will now throw errors if code tries to split a party without first kicking members. This can be disabled by an admin property if it is too intrusive. (#4292)
- Cookie consent appears on every frame when viewing pages with multiple frames (#3587)
- Inventory infinite loop when stack of items is unpositioned (#4330)
- typo in facility type constant for workers compound
- Assigning through Inventory/Entity/Property resource creates events without specified reasons. Will now identify API client that caused event where reasons in events are supported (Unreported)
- Inventory/Entities route filtering by tags gives no results. (Unreported)
- Empty response in WS when lacking authentication tokens (Unreported)
- fixed being unable to force heal if your party had a droid in it
- cannot unload ships/vehicles into another ship/vehicle when you are commander or owner but not pilot (#4322)
- fix issue where ships you can't board show up on the boarding lists, e.g. when ascending (#2141)
- Simultaneous combat reports now come out in the correct order on events page (#2848)
- Room view crashes when item with bad owner is in same room, replaced with message to contact support (Reported on forums)
- Exceptions thrown on WS documentation (#4315)
- Remove old repair link from cockpit & remove cockpit repair frame, correct link is in menu under production (reported on IRC)
- Fixed NPC market bugs, crashes when auction mode finishes causing bids to not-work (#4314)
- market auction finishing with invalid bidder causes InvalidArgumentException (#4314)
- Menu crashing on dev server when character hasnt selected start location (entity->getContainer crashing) (#4313)
- Rate limit error codes conflict with general API error codes leading to confusion (Web API Forum)
- Rate limits appear to work, but limit is too low to be practical to use with large inventories. (Unreported)
- add faction dissolution event showing dissolution timer duration when not in danger of dissolution (#3626, #4305)
- Fix IFF Crash when invalid owner ship nearby (#4309)
- patrol action bugging out when leader variable is unset (unreported)
- Fix another inventory tree list related issue, when cargo container
- Fix undocking cargo from facilities not working into ships around top or left border of facilities (#3442)
- Inventory tree list crashes when sorting by planet, packaged item type; fixed crash, still slightly broken tho (#4197)
- Sensor range is calculated slightly incorrectly, some squares were considered in range when they were not, due to rounding error (#4288)
- Fixed issue where entities could be tractored while doing other actions such as recycling (#4298)
- Existing production actions failing due to undefined variable (#4299)
- Removed persistent notification that a browser does not support desktop-style notifications (Unreported)