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Posted by Baugrems on Year 18 Day 260 2:27

Two new GNS posts have gone up in case you missed them. Start donating to your team!

Volunteers can be found in any Starport in the galaxy.

Edit: Twilight has reached phase two! GenSci is in a panic and has hired more accountants to process more donations per day. Get those credits in to catch up!

Edit2: GenSci has also reached phase two now. New hints added for both sides. Talk to a volunteer.

UPDATE: Y18 D269 16:56 It is no longer strictly necessary to donate in order to support a side (it will net you 500XP though). You can join in directly at GenSci or Twilight's HQs, if you convince a friendly member of GenSci or Twilight to reveal the location.   Onboard their HQ you can talk to an NPC who will allow you to become either a Twilight Supporter or GenSci Supporter and join in on what's known as "Phase 2", without having to donate.

Report any bugs to Kay Dallben and Baugrems.

(Edited by Kay Dallben on Year 18 Day 269)