Galactic Empire: Imperial Security Bureau
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Posted by Mikel von Bianchi on Year 19 Day 167 10:40

Features: New cockpit UI, resizes for mobile, single map for travel/scan, paginated scanner (#4871)

Rules: Updated Life & Death rules to clarify what happens to creatures when their owner dies.
Rules: Fix rules page table of contents breaking for droids, ships and vehicles index pages

LISP: put-item now returns the item if successful

Bugs: material inventory not filtering by location correctly when materials inside squadded entity (#4921)
Bugs: Typo fix (#4916)
Bugs: Limit checkboxes client side so when submitting equipment/party page with large amount of items selected, reduces chance of page doing nothing (#4913)
Bugs: Fixed bug where trophy was selling to NPC market for incorrect price (#4909, #4910)
Bugs: Remove set-open-to from droid inventory (#4908)
Bugs: Bug with city power update for PG under construction, should more reliabily power facils when PG finish construction
Bugs: Fixing bugs with repacking crates, maximum size for crates removed, crates can be merged by repacking them together, crates can be split from equipment screen, plus some other bugs with droids repacking (#4906)
Bugs: Make action selector on party and equipment screen visible always while scrolling (#4905)
Bugs: removed assigning pilot breaking up squads/squadrons, if you need to break up squad there is link in inventory that allows you to manage squads (#4903)
Bugs: Fix security checks on inventory crashing when using tag autoselect (#4904)
Bugs: When loading items into ship, incorrectly calculating passenger capacity causing error on dev server (#4900)
Bugs: Debugging for production queue rearrange issue (#4901)
Bugs: Make production and materialutil throw specific InsufficientCapacityException to avoid catching very large exceptions (#4902)
Bugs: overlaid main images assumed width was 100 causing overlaps
Bugs: Fix bug with ctool edit entity types field crashing
Bugs: Improved error message when trying to add a party member that is already in your party (#4892)
Bugs: Fix for squad/party size calculation when boarding entities (#4887)
Bugs: Fixed inventory exploit relating to invalid actions executing (#4890)
Bugs: Jetpack gave an improper error
Bugs: Removal of some more obsolete database tables (#4802)
Bugs: vision calculation does not check other characters items correctly for scanner sharing (#4885)
Bugs: fix calculation of wreck image urls (#4882)
Bugs: performance improvement, removing eager evaluation of cockpit and hangar images when loading entities (#4882)
Bugs: Inventory location missing when entity docked inside another entity you were assigned to as pilot/commander (#4880)
Bugs: Unloading ships bug, some ships would not be able to find target load locations (#4878)
Bugs: removing obsolete code to do with bacta patches and tanks (#4877)