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Posted by Clarr Solo on Year 19 Day 200 23:10

There are some major changes here that are necessary for us to upgrade to PHP7.1 from PHP5.6, and quite a lot of things will be broken. This change makes the code much stricter which can cause things that have previously worked to error out. Issues will hopefully be ironed out over the next 24h, will be aiming for a follow up sync tomorrow to fix these issues.

Rules: Minor faction creation clarifications
Rules: Clarification to Cybernetic Operations rules that any entity with a medical room may be used.
Rules: Corrected the skill needed for recycling

Bugs: Removal of google ads from the SWC header banner area
Bugs: Allow quickfilter to search over cargo container content type
Bugs: Allow escape key to cancel inlineedit
Bugs: Removal of iframes from GNS pages (#4956)
Bugs: Party screen now uses same look and feel as equipment screen
Bugs: Fixes for position screen sticky action selector
Bugs: Remove iframe from messages page, fixes issues with messages page on iphones (#4952)
Bugs: Missing text on atmosphere travel in cockpit
Bugs: Fix bug where submitted handle not shown in decline mail
Bugs: Fixing additional issue where recreate handle approval can be skipped (#4935)
Bugs: Fix a bug/exploit where handle approval could be skipped (#4935)
Bugs: Fix issue with cleanup bandits when bandit is unpositioned
Bugs: Issues with naval shipyard not showing production actions in inventory (#4949)
Bugs: MSD station constructions not being protected asset (#4951)
Bugs: Updated cockpit nav dropdowns to be activated on hover
Bugs: Cleanup script for invalid warrants (#4941)
Bugs: Fix crash on forum on dev when page loaded when not logged in
Bugs: Fix crash on creature rules page on dev server due to using bad variables
Bugs: Added script to fix crashing faction dissolution code (#4939)
Bugs: Fixing a bug where entities within partied entities would generate invalid top containers and crash the inventory (#4936)
Bugs: Markets finalisation crashing in some situations when highest bid is invalid (#4940)
Bugs: Fixing crash on prospecting page when loaded by entity/ship without prospecting sensors (#4934)
Bugs: count container passengers returning wrong datatype (#4933)
Bugs: Fix issue where aborting recycling would refund twice (#4873)
Bugs: Fix error when trying to dock when already docked and game is confused about what map to draw (#4928)
Bugs: fix damage attribution highlighting on combat reports (#4930)
Bugs: Removing duplicate code for pages with text filters (#4931)
Bugs: Fix for sticky not working on IOS
Bugs: Minor cockpit quality of life fixes (#4871)
Bugs: Scan export of characters/npc not working - PreloadUtil::arrested broken (#4926)

WS: Fixing WS TOTP (two factor auth for WS)
WS: ws image upload not working
WS: Add missing assigned DCs to Inventory/Entity resource
WS: Inventory/Entity remaining cargo capacity provides used capacity instead (#4945)
WS: Types/Entities route references nonexistent WeaponUtil (#4844)

Y19D201 Edit:

- GNS page should be working again
- Sim news should be working
- Messages CSS should be working

If you are having issues viewing the GNS or messages page, please try a hard refresh on your browser.

Y19D202 Edit:

- Post sync issue with character creation fixed. If you were having issues with character creation & re-creates, please try again.
- Issue with NPCs showing up green on cockpit scanners fixed.
- IE11 cockpit dropdown menu issue fixed (refresh your browsers if still broken in IE11)

(Edited by Clarr Solo on Year 19 Day 202)