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Jedi Master Vel Koon Alive
Hacked by: Beesto Veers, Freelance
Date: Year 6 Day 59 Location Unknown
Corellia, Year 6 Day 58. Recent news broadcasts originating from the Galactic Empire have claimed that the Jedi Master Vel Koon was killed. However it seems that this is not the case, not yet at least.

Certain things happen when a person dies. And as is the case with Jedi Master Vel Koon these things have failed to happen. Examples of these are that the automated GNS faction monitoring system does not report on dead people. Dead people also do not show up in lists that show famous people who are still alive.

One could speculate on the reason behind the post by the GE. Is it just propaganda? Can't the GE kill a Jedi for real, so they make up a death?

Is Vel Koon working with the GE? Does he wish to let the galaxy think that he is dead?

It seems that Vel Koon is very much alive, why the GE reported on his dead and why Vel Koon has not responded to this remains however, a mystery.

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