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GC disbanded - New alliance in negotiation
Posted by: Zachill DeSol, Mandalore
Date: Year 25 Day 319

Mandalore News Network reporting from planet Mandalore

    Today marks the end of the longest-standing neutral alliance in the Galaxy. The Galactic Concordiate has decided to disband over the criminal activities of its Magistrate, Dru Snot...

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A Minstrel Makes Her Debut
Posted by: Drax Whittler, The Mindabaal League
Date: Year 25 Day 314

Bzzt, Bzzt, your holo projector emits a bright golden light that quickly solidifies into one of the most stylish ships you have ever seen rotating in front of you.  Its golden hull reflecting the light of distant stars,...

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Taking Clone Advocacy to the Next Level
Posted by: Siou Wolfsbane, Ternion Corps
Date: Year 25 Day 314

A female Zabrak walks to the podium, the front of which is decorated with the Ternion Corps logo. Behind her stand several grizzled clones, veterans of the civil war.

“Gentle sentients of the galaxy, thank you for your time today. My name ...

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Operation Beskar Shield: Mandalore, 25 BBY
Posted by: Joe Wales, Mandalore
Date: Year 25 Day 303

Operation Beskar Shield: Mandalore, 25 BBY

In a daring and unprecedented initiative, the Mandalorian military has launched Operation Beskar Shield, a large-scale effort to clear the asteroid fields in the Mandalorian sector. The operatio...

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Shadowport Charters Bring Prosperity to Spacers
Posted by: Anax Noctru, Byblos Drive Yards
Date: Year 25 Day 275

*As the commercial break ends, the anchor turns to face the holocorder….*

Tonight, we bring news of the Shadowport network of cities catering to bounty hunters.  This endeavor has bro...

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Primera Sangre
Hacked by: Bork Shalas, Son-tuul Pride
Date: Year 25 Day 272

A significant turn of events has occurred in the ongoing conflict between the Son-Tuul Pride and Jawa Offworld Enterprises (JOE). Dajo Malogaan, a high-ranking member of the Son-Tuul Pride, was discovered attempting to use his privileges in Son...

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An Open Invitation To The Glom Tho Gala
Posted by: Xanxus Drol, Crimson Dawn
Date: Year 25 Day 263


Hevvrol> Glom Tho> Glom Tho 1- Glom Tho 1 (Glom Tho), known to many droid enthusiasts as well as followers and scholars alike researching the Crimson Dawn faith, is opening its planetary doors so to speak,...

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But Fortune Did Not Favor Him
Hacked by: Mador Anami, The Antarian Rangers
Date: Year 25 Day 257

In an audacious and impeccably coordinated maneuver, the Jedi Coalition has established a formidable military presence near the Pyke Syndicate’s principal shipyards. The newly constructed military station, codenamed Base Whiskey Echo Whiskey Lima ...

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Rogue Frequency News: The Sagas of Sand and Blood
Hacked by: Bork Shalas, Son-tuul Pride
Date: Year 25 Day 257

Breaking the Galactic Chains! This is the Rogue Frequency, your source for untold stories.

In a shocking development a couple of weeks ago, Jawa Offworld Enterprises (JOE) ambushed a Son-Tuul Pride patrol in the Morobe sector, igniting ...

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Events in Brief
Year 25 Day 332: Ximo Jobal, the leader of Hutt Cartel was replaced today by Akasha Ru Tauk.
Year 25 Day 332: Elarain Belleraux, the leader of Crymorah was replaced today by Robert Reynolds.