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Player Administration

If per capita was a problem, decapita could be arranged
(Posted by Kodkod on Year 26 Day 77)
Y26D77 17:53 Kodkod banned player Sean Pax providing the following reason: Multi Ban, avoiding 21 day respawn timer

We just blue ourselves hiring these new asims!
(Posted by Falcon on Year 26 Day 51)
SALUTATIONS! It is with great excitement and privilege that we introduce our TWO new Asims joining the team: Remus Soran, who w...

Reaper quote here.
(Posted by Noctis on Year 26 Day 40)
Stephan Celebesario is now known as Altaayir Cel Ebesario. That's all

Community News

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.
(Posted by Kodkod on Year 26 Day 68)
Deathmatch has concluded!  Long live new champion, Memnoch, who has succeeded in narrowly stopping the blue lady from winning twice...

iam mortui estis
(Posted by Falcon on Year 26 Day 22)
Asim applications are now closed. Thanks to all who applied! ___________ Hi folks, Asim applications will close tonight after 23:...

Lootin’ and Shootin’: Bandit Vessels Spotted
(Posted by Falcon on Year 26 Day 35)
Avast, me hearties! Gather 'round fer some rum-soaked news! Our spyglasses be spyin' new bandit contraptions prowlin' the spaceway...

Technical News

Sync Report Y26D82
(Posted by Clarr Solo on Year 26 Day 82)
Counterfeit Medical Item Crates Rework Counterfeit medical items have been changed so that they no longer contaminate an entire cr...

The great Ship/Station stat rebalance of Y26
(Posted by Falcon on Year 26 Day 77)
Good afternoon,   We talked a few years ago now about how ship stats (all entity types but ships especially) would be changing in...

Sync Report Y26D75
(Posted by Clarr Solo on Year 26 Day 75)
Custom Room Decals You can now submit and apply room decals (apply via the CP exchange). Room decals let you add bling to your shi...

Posted by Clarr Solo on Year 26 Day 82 20:19

Counterfeit Medical Item Crates Rework

Counterfeit medical items have been changed so that they no longer contaminate an entire crate when merged into a crate of "normal" items. Instead crates will track how many fake items they contain, and you may randomly pull out a fake item.
Existing crates that are already contaminated have had the number of fakes they contain set to a random number between 1 and the number of uses in the crate. New rules are here.

Messages Archive

You can now view older DMs by clicking the show more button on the messages screen.

Timers Improvement

We have changed how we process timers, and now we have a fleet of 10 jawas working hard finishing your timers. Previously the single jawa was overworked. You can see them working hard on the Timer Status page which shows you up to date information on why your 15 second fire delay hasn't finished yet. (Blame Toe, it's always Toe).

Other changes
Add locations to sentry droid events.
- Fix unpositioned bug when wrecking party leaders.
- Fixed an exploit with faction permissions and web services. Thanks to Thav Nago & Lucifer for reporting.
- Shield and ionic regen, and asteroid damage jobs have been changed to improve server performance.


Falcon Edit: We mentioned recently that the next major sync(this sync) would likely include some station/weapon stat changes. We did fully expect to sync that this time around, but we've hit a small snag and will wait just a bit longer to release that. Station stat changes are ready to go, but we're finalizing some things with weapons, and want to release the weapon and station changes together. Stay tuned for that, but in case you were confused why station stats look the same, that's why.

(Edited by Falcon on Year 26 Day 82)
Posted by Falcon on Year 26 Day 77 15:06

Good afternoon,


We talked a few years ago now about how ship stats (all entity types but ships especially) would be changing in an effort to be compatible with R&D. We have a change that needs to be made before ship stats are pushed, but I would expect around the time the next major sync happens that we will be pushing station stat updates. This will affect all stations currently in the game as well as new ones. 

No I cannot give you a preview of the stats coming, but every station (and ships eventually) will be affected in some way. Expect Ships within the next couple weeks, but it's coming sooner than you think. 

Please reach out to someone other than me if you have any questions. Thanks!


edit: We will also be rebalancing ship/station-type weapons in this timeline. 

Posted by Clarr Solo on Year 26 Day 75 18:51

Custom Room Decals

You can now submit and apply room decals (apply via the CP exchange). Room decals let you add bling to your ship (or station, vehicle, facility) room maps.
Room decals cost 10 CP each to apply to a room. Room decals can be uploaded for 250 CP each (and must be approved by the art queue team).
Currently all submitted room decals are communally applicable. The rules for submitting new room decals are here (and more detailed rules for how to create your own decals are here).

Faction Combat Events

Faction combat events are now split onto their own page and have their own notifier icon.
Also, new combat events are now tagged with their location.

Other Changes

- New faction privilege required for performing cybernetic installs.
- Fixed an issue where you can sell your installed cybernetic custom image item.
- Showdown AI teams now spawn as hostile owner.
- Fixed issue with healing and party kicking.
- Some improvements to Google/Discord integrations.
- Some fixes to some coloured status bars to be drawn in inverted colours.

Posted by Clarr Solo on Year 26 Day 75 15:32

Holocron and guide will be undergoing some maintenance over the next few hours and will be unavailable.

Done for now. Both wikis moved and updated. Some more maintenance later today when we update the SSL certs.

(Edited by Clarr Solo on Year 26 Day 75)
Posted by Dwemner Askalad on Year 26 Day 69 18:36

More OAuth updates have been synced!


  • Fire Delay while in a ship will no longer notify you twice (delay attached to the character, and delay attaqched to the lead ship). You will only receive the one notification that is attached to the character.
  • The <span> HTML tag has been removed to the travel event notification received upon exiting hyperspace into an asteroid field.


  • Google OAuth is now supported and you will be able to register your account with Google once the glorious Sim Master configures the Google end of the process. I will edit this post once that has been completed.


Edit: Google Oauth is now functional in your playyer settings page and for logging in to SWC.

(Edited by Dwemner Askalad on Year 26 Day 71)
Posted by Vadik Edik on Year 26 Day 69 12:18

- Reasons for why combat can not take place are now displayed on the weapons targeting page.
- An event is now sent to the owner when their entity is captured. 
- Backend work on interrupts and how they are interacted with.
- Added Toolkits and Portable Generators to the showdown allowed item list.
- Holocron backend work to start to re-introduce them to the galaxy. Holocron Rules

- Passive force powers were not correctly modifying the force meter when used.
- Capturing admin owned entities is now blocked.
- Recycling issue caused after recycling the leader of a party.
- Small bug when counting with Jawas.
- Leaving a faction causing sub faction issues. 
- Broken bacta tank rules image.
- Bug causing force sight to stop when using detection.

(Edited by Vadik Edik on Year 26 Day 69)

Deathmatch has concluded!  Long live new champion, Memnoch, who has succeeded in narrowly stopping the blue lady from winning twice.  Go vote in the new Deathmatch!

As is tradition, new Grudge Matches have appeared.  Falcon has a list of everyone who voted Crow in the last round and you'll be getting coal next Winterfest.

Be sure to submit new and exciting and definitely not trolling grudge matches for the future!

Posted by Kodkod on Year 26 Day 63 8:59

Greetings, sentients!  

In light of the recent ship capture changes, I would like to remind you to not steal ships owned by Darkness or Quests or really any Admin account.  A future update to the code will prevent you from trying, but please pour one out for the player who (temporarily) captured a Darkness-owned Sith Infiltrator which has since been repossessed.

Posted by Thrall Lothbrok on Year 26 Day 61 16:33

Someone messed up and now Thrall gets to post Sim news, this oversight will probably be corrected before I can ask about a certain feature or Herdalife packs.

But before then the Quest Team would however like to guide you towards your nearest recycling station as it seems the Jawa’s have invaded and have a pair of new repeatable quests for you. Be sure to speak to the representatives of the M’uk and T’uk clans to start either of these new quests and begin earning legendary Dooka.

Posted by Clarr Solo on Year 26 Day 60 19:56

- A new ship class has appeared! The Bomber. Currently has inherited the same combat stats as fighters, but in the future will get minor tweaks.
- The ship combat weapon selector is now available all the time.
- The Hull, Shield and Ionic bars have had a refresh, and now show up with icons in some space constrained places to reduce the text overlapping-ness.
- Improvements for the discord notifications bot. It generates better formatted links, and handles more actions. See the subscribe page for details on what actions each topic notifies you for.

- Due to the email server being down (and it being unlikely to ever come back), the "DM to Email" functionality has been disabled.
- Currently the player facing lost password functionality is still broken, so the asims can now generate you a reset password link if you have forgotten your password. Contact them via discord to reset your password.

- Falcon Edit: C-Wing Uglies can now spawn with Space Bandits.

(Edited by Clarr Solo on Year 26 Day 60)
Posted by Clarr Solo on Year 26 Day 58 21:37

Outbound email is not working again, and we have no ETA on a fix.

- New registrations won't get verification emails. Please send a message on Discord to get your account activated.
- DM to email will not send.
- Lost password will not work.
- Support and bugs will not be sending mails, including signups.

Just a reminder that if your account is linked to discord you can use that as a passwordless login provider on the login screen.


Greetings sentients!

A fresh batch of rules image updates hot off the presses....

Akk Dog - New small image, finally has a large image, and its not a puppy anymore.

Space Slug - New small image, finally a large image.

Class-A Cargo Container - New large and small images.

Class-A Cargo Container MkII - New large and small images.

Brayl-class Bulk Freighter - New large and small images.

GS-100 Salvage Ship - New bespoke cockpit.

Fang-class Starfighter and Toscan 8-Q Starfighter - New cockpit that they'll share.

Heavy Transport Barge - New large and small images.

SS-54 Assault Ship - New bespoke cockpit.

SWLTR Helmet - New small image and finally a large.



(Edited by Kolomon Seph on Year 26 Day 56)