Counterfeit Medical Item Crates Rework
Counterfeit medical items have been changed so that they no longer contaminate an entire crate when merged into a crate of "normal" items. Instead crates will track how many fake items they contain, and you may randomly pull out a fake item.
Existing crates that are already contaminated have had the number of fakes they contain set to a random number between 1 and the number of uses in the crate. New rules are here.
Messages Archive
You can now view older DMs by clicking the show more button on the messages screen.
Timers Improvement
We have changed how we process timers, and now we have a fleet of 10 jawas working hard finishing your timers. Previously the single jawa was overworked. You can see them working hard on the Timer Status page which shows you up to date information on why your 15 second fire delay hasn't finished yet. (Blame Toe, it's always Toe).
Other changes
- Add locations to sentry droid events.
- Fix unpositioned bug when wrecking party leaders.
- Fixed an exploit with faction permissions and web services. Thanks to Thav Nago & Lucifer for reporting.
- Shield and ionic regen, and asteroid damage jobs have been changed to improve server performance.
Falcon Edit: We mentioned recently that the next major sync(this sync) would likely include some station/weapon stat changes. We did fully expect to sync that this time around, but we've hit a small snag and will wait just a bit longer to release that. Station stat changes are ready to go, but we're finalizing some things with weapons, and want to release the weapon and station changes together. Stay tuned for that, but in case you were confused why station stats look the same, that's why.
(Edited by Falcon on Year 26 Day 82) | |
Good afternoon,
We talked a few years ago now about how ship stats (all entity types but ships especially) would be changing in an effort to be compatible with R&D. We have a change that needs to be made before ship stats are pushed, but I would expect around the time the next major sync happens that we will be pushing station stat updates. This will affect all stations currently in the game as well as new ones.
No I cannot give you a preview of the stats coming, but every station (and ships eventually) will be affected in some way. Expect Ships within the next couple weeks, but it's coming sooner than you think.
Please reach out to someone other than me if you have any questions. Thanks!
edit: We will also be rebalancing ship/station-type weapons in this timeline.
Custom Room Decals
You can now submit and apply room decals (apply via the CP exchange). Room decals let you add bling to your ship (or station, vehicle, facility) room maps.
Room decals cost 10 CP each to apply to a room. Room decals can be uploaded for 250 CP each (and must be approved by the art queue team).
Currently all submitted room decals are communally applicable. The rules for submitting new room decals are here (and more detailed rules for how to create your own decals are here).
Faction Combat Events
Faction combat events are now split onto their own page and have their own notifier icon.
Also, new combat events are now tagged with their location.
Other Changes
- New faction privilege required for performing cybernetic installs.
- Fixed an issue where you can sell your installed cybernetic custom image item.
- Showdown AI teams now spawn as hostile owner.
- Fixed issue with healing and party kicking.
- Some improvements to Google/Discord integrations.
- Some fixes to some coloured status bars to be drawn in inverted colours.
Holocron and guide will be undergoing some maintenance over the next few hours and will be unavailable.
Done for now. Both wikis moved and updated. Some more maintenance later today when we update the SSL certs.
(Edited by Clarr Solo on Year 26 Day 75) | |
More OAuth updates have been synced!
- Fire Delay while in a ship will no longer notify you twice (delay attached to the character, and delay attaqched to the lead ship). You will only receive the one notification that is attached to the character.
- The <span> HTML tag has been removed to the travel event notification received upon exiting hyperspace into an asteroid field.
- Google OAuth is now supported and you will be able to register your account with Google once the glorious Sim Master configures the Google end of the process. I will edit this post once that has been completed.
Edit: Google Oauth is now functional in your playyer settings page and for logging in to SWC.
(Edited by Dwemner Askalad on Year 26 Day 71) | |
- Reasons for why combat can not take place are now displayed on the weapons targeting page.
- An event is now sent to the owner when their entity is captured.
- Backend work on interrupts and how they are interacted with.
- Added Toolkits and Portable Generators to the showdown allowed item list.
- Holocron backend work to start to re-introduce them to the galaxy. Holocron Rules
- Passive force powers were not correctly modifying the force meter when used.
- Capturing admin owned entities is now blocked.
- Recycling issue caused after recycling the leader of a party.
- Small bug when counting with Jawas.
- Leaving a faction causing sub faction issues.
- Broken bacta tank rules image.
- Bug causing force sight to stop when using detection.
(Edited by Vadik Edik on Year 26 Day 69) | |
Deathmatch has concluded! Long live new champion, Memnoch, who has succeeded in narrowly stopping the blue lady from winning twice. Go vote in the new Deathmatch!
As is tradition, new Grudge Matches have appeared. Falcon has a list of everyone who voted Crow in the last round and you'll be getting coal next Winterfest.
Be sure to submit new and exciting and definitely not trolling grudge matches for the future!
Greetings, sentients!
In light of the recent ship capture changes, I would like to remind you to not steal ships owned by Darkness or Quests or really any Admin account. A future update to the code will prevent you from trying, but please pour one out for the player who (temporarily) captured a Darkness-owned Sith Infiltrator which has since been repossessed.
Someone messed up and now Thrall gets to post Sim news, this oversight will probably be corrected before I can ask about a certain feature or Herdalife packs.
But before then the Quest Team would however like to guide you towards your nearest recycling station as it seems the Jawa’s have invaded and have a pair of new repeatable quests for you. Be sure to speak to the representatives of the M’uk and T’uk clans to start either of these new quests and begin earning legendary Dooka.
- A new ship class has appeared! The Bomber. Currently has inherited the same combat stats as fighters, but in the future will get minor tweaks.
- The ship combat weapon selector is now available all the time.
- The Hull, Shield and Ionic bars have had a refresh, and now show up with icons in some space constrained places to reduce the text overlapping-ness.
- Improvements for the discord notifications bot. It generates better formatted links, and handles more actions. See the subscribe page for details on what actions each topic notifies you for.
- Due to the email server being down (and it being unlikely to ever come back), the "DM to Email" functionality has been disabled.
- Currently the player facing lost password functionality is still broken, so the asims can now generate you a reset password link if you have forgotten your password. Contact them via discord to reset your password.
- Falcon Edit: C-Wing Uglies can now spawn with Space Bandits.
(Edited by Clarr Solo on Year 26 Day 60) | |
Outbound email is not working again, and we have no ETA on a fix.
- New registrations won't get verification emails. Please send a message on Discord to get your account activated.
- DM to email will not send.
- Lost password will not work.
- Support and bugs will not be sending mails, including signups.
Just a reminder that if your account is linked to discord you can use that as a passwordless login provider on the login screen.
Counterfeit Medical Item Crates Rework
Counterfeit medical items have been changed so that they no longer contaminate an entire crate when merged into a crate of "normal" items. Instead crates will track how many fake items they contain, and you may randomly pull out a fake item.
Existing crates that are already contaminated have had the number of fakes they contain set to a random number between 1 and the number of uses in the crate. New rules are here.
Messages Archive
You can now view older DMs by clicking the show more button on the messages screen.
Timers Improvement
We have changed how we process timers, and now we have a fleet of 10 jawas working hard finishing your timers. Previously the single jawa was overworked. You can see them working hard on the Timer Status page which shows you up to date information on why your 15 second fire delay hasn't finished yet. (Blame Toe, it's always Toe).
Other changes
- Add locations to sentry droid events.
- Fix unpositioned bug when wrecking party leaders.
- Fixed an exploit with faction permissions and web services. Thanks to Thav Nago & Lucifer for reporting.
- Shield and ionic regen, and asteroid damage jobs have been changed to improve server performance.
Falcon Edit: We mentioned recently that the next major sync(this sync) would likely include some station/weapon stat changes. We did fully expect to sync that this time around, but we've hit a small snag and will wait just a bit longer to release that. Station stat changes are ready to go, but we're finalizing some things with weapons, and want to release the weapon and station changes together. Stay tuned for that, but in case you were confused why station stats look the same, that's why.
(Edited by Falcon on Year 26 Day 82) | |
Good afternoon,
We talked a few years ago now about how ship stats (all entity types but ships especially) would be changing in an effort to be compatible with R&D. We have a change that needs to be made before ship stats are pushed, but I would expect around the time the next major sync happens that we will be pushing station stat updates. This will affect all stations currently in the game as well as new ones.
No I cannot give you a preview of the stats coming, but every station (and ships eventually) will be affected in some way. Expect Ships within the next couple weeks, but it's coming sooner than you think.
Please reach out to someone other than me if you have any questions. Thanks!
edit: We will also be rebalancing ship/station-type weapons in this timeline.
Custom Room Decals
You can now submit and apply room decals (apply via the CP exchange). Room decals let you add bling to your ship (or station, vehicle, facility) room maps.
Room decals cost 10 CP each to apply to a room. Room decals can be uploaded for 250 CP each (and must be approved by the art queue team).
Currently all submitted room decals are communally applicable. The rules for submitting new room decals are here (and more detailed rules for how to create your own decals are here).
Faction Combat Events
Faction combat events are now split onto their own page and have their own notifier icon.
Also, new combat events are now tagged with their location.
Other Changes
- New faction privilege required for performing cybernetic installs.
- Fixed an issue where you can sell your installed cybernetic custom image item.
- Showdown AI teams now spawn as hostile owner.
- Fixed issue with healing and party kicking.
- Some improvements to Google/Discord integrations.
- Some fixes to some coloured status bars to be drawn in inverted colours.
Holocron and guide will be undergoing some maintenance over the next few hours and will be unavailable.
Done for now. Both wikis moved and updated. Some more maintenance later today when we update the SSL certs.
(Edited by Clarr Solo on Year 26 Day 75) | |
More OAuth updates have been synced!
- Fire Delay while in a ship will no longer notify you twice (delay attached to the character, and delay attaqched to the lead ship). You will only receive the one notification that is attached to the character.
- The <span> HTML tag has been removed to the travel event notification received upon exiting hyperspace into an asteroid field.
- Google OAuth is now supported and you will be able to register your account with Google once the glorious Sim Master configures the Google end of the process. I will edit this post once that has been completed.
Edit: Google Oauth is now functional in your playyer settings page and for logging in to SWC.
(Edited by Dwemner Askalad on Year 26 Day 71) | |
- Reasons for why combat can not take place are now displayed on the weapons targeting page.
- An event is now sent to the owner when their entity is captured.
- Backend work on interrupts and how they are interacted with.
- Added Toolkits and Portable Generators to the showdown allowed item list.
- Holocron backend work to start to re-introduce them to the galaxy. Holocron Rules
- Passive force powers were not correctly modifying the force meter when used.
- Capturing admin owned entities is now blocked.
- Recycling issue caused after recycling the leader of a party.
- Small bug when counting with Jawas.
- Leaving a faction causing sub faction issues.
- Broken bacta tank rules image.
- Bug causing force sight to stop when using detection.
(Edited by Vadik Edik on Year 26 Day 69) | |
Greetings, sentients!
In light of the recent ship capture changes, I would like to remind you to not steal ships owned by Darkness or Quests or really any Admin account. A future update to the code will prevent you from trying, but please pour one out for the player who (temporarily) captured a Darkness-owned Sith Infiltrator which has since been repossessed.
Someone messed up and now Thrall gets to post Sim news, this oversight will probably be corrected before I can ask about a certain feature or Herdalife packs.
But before then the Quest Team would however like to guide you towards your nearest recycling station as it seems the Jawa’s have invaded and have a pair of new repeatable quests for you. Be sure to speak to the representatives of the M’uk and T’uk clans to start either of these new quests and begin earning legendary Dooka.
- A new ship class has appeared! The Bomber. Currently has inherited the same combat stats as fighters, but in the future will get minor tweaks.
- The ship combat weapon selector is now available all the time.
- The Hull, Shield and Ionic bars have had a refresh, and now show up with icons in some space constrained places to reduce the text overlapping-ness.
- Improvements for the discord notifications bot. It generates better formatted links, and handles more actions. See the subscribe page for details on what actions each topic notifies you for.
- Due to the email server being down (and it being unlikely to ever come back), the "DM to Email" functionality has been disabled.
- Currently the player facing lost password functionality is still broken, so the asims can now generate you a reset password link if you have forgotten your password. Contact them via discord to reset your password.
- Falcon Edit: C-Wing Uglies can now spawn with Space Bandits.
(Edited by Clarr Solo on Year 26 Day 60) | |
Outbound email is not working again, and we have no ETA on a fix.
- New registrations won't get verification emails. Please send a message on Discord to get your account activated.
- DM to email will not send.
- Lost password will not work.
- Support and bugs will not be sending mails, including signups.
Just a reminder that if your account is linked to discord you can use that as a passwordless login provider on the login screen.
Greetings, sentients! Ship capture has been enabled globally. That is all.
minor anti-rioting edit: this is only enabled in pvp/combat zones currently. You can put your pitchforks away now.
Edit edit: I've been told I'm completely wrong yet again. Ship capture is anywhere that your ship can get disabled. Easiest way for this to happen is in a pvp zone, but can also happen outside those zones if a bandit manages to disable your ship. You may pick up your pitchforks slightly. In other news, I'm going to get coffee.
(Edited by Falcon on Year 26 Day 55) | |
Y26D77 17:53
Kodkod banned player Sean Pax providing the following reason: Multi Ban, avoiding 21 day respawn timer
(Edited by Kodkod on Year 26 Day 77) | |
It is with great excitement and privilege that we introduce our TWO new Asims joining the team:
- Remus Soran, who will go by the name Kodkod (although, let's be honest, this picture might be a more accurate representation).
- Aquioz Lazule, who will adopt the name Koi.
Please join us in giving them a warm welcome! We’re thrilled to see what they’ll bring to the team.
Why two Asims this time? Well, I’ll be stepping back a bit over the next six months, and these two will help cover the gap. Remus already has some hands-on experience with admin tools from his time on the dev server, so he’s ready to hit the ground running. Aquioz is newer to this, but he’s eager to learn and contribute in every way he can. Both will be ready to assist soon, so don’t hesitate to reach out when you see them around!
This round, we received a total of 10 applications, and we’d like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who applied. If you weren’t selected this time, don’t be discouraged—there will be more opportunities in the future!
As always, if you have questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to submit a support ticket. And, of course, a big thank you to Noctis for selecting our newest Asims!
Stephan Celebesario is now known as Altaayir Cel Ebesario.
That's all
Today we wish Platypus a farewell as he steps down from the Asim team and returns to his character Bjaco Acker. Platypus has been an instrumental member of the team, helping with everything from Herdfest coordination to assisting with general staff duties and providing good input and feedback on various dev discussions.
Thank you Plat, for your time with us. You're gonna be missed buddy!
With this announcement comes a heads up that we may be opening Asim applications again in the near future, so start thinking about if that's something you'd like to do.
1 Y25D343 7:59 Falcon banned player Elamas Ghent providing the following reason: Multi Ban - many multi accounts // permanent ban
2 Y25D343 7:59 Falcon banned player Durba Furba providing the following reason: Multi Ban - many multi accounts // permanent ban
3 Y25D343 7:59 Falcon banned player Matajambo Surgeproviding the following reason: Multi Ban - many multi accounts // permanent ban
4 Y25D343 7:59 Falcon banned player Wen Chinelo providing the following reason: Multi Ban - many multi accounts // permanent ban
5 Y25D343 7:59 Falcon banned player Joupi June providing the following reason: Multi Ban - many multi accounts // permanent ban
6 Y25D343 7:59 Falcon banned player Stoober McDabrafooserproviding the following reason: Multi Ban - many multi accounts // permanent ban
7 Y25D343 7:59 Falcon banned player Alabaster Mosesproviding the following reason: Multi Ban - many multi accounts // permanent ban
8 Y25D343 7:59 Falcon banned player Loiuwpoka Su providing the following reason: Multi Ban - many multi accounts // permanent ban
In addition, Quillo Farha and Gaitale Jokar have been included in this permanent ban upgrade. One account, kids. That's all you're allowed.
Year 25 Day 295, 20:05 Noctis banned player Welck Gisk providing the following reason: Multi Ban
Year 25 Day 295, 20:05 Noctis banned player Lonus Yurashima providing the following reason: Multi Ban
Year 25 Day 295, 20:05 Noctis banned player Enim Nebuo providing the following reason: Multi Ban
Each player may only have 1 character. Oldest account can submit a help ticket for an unban in 7 days and forfeiture of assets.
Mitth Wake has been issued a Strike 0 for IC/OOC separation. This strike will last one year from today's date or until another strike is issued.
A reminder folks: Your OOC life and your IC life are two separate planes of existense that do not interconnect. It is okay that sometimes you have Real Life issues to attend to, and that may mean you are unable to tend to things IC. Remember that SWC is just a game, and although you may be attached to things in this game, it will not last forever. Communicating OOC obligations is okay, but leveraging OOC excuses to give yourself an IC advantage is not okay and breaks the IC/OOC rules.
As always, if you have any issues, please feel free to reach out or submit a support ticket.
Year 25 Day 235, 12:34
Chupacabra banned player Malcolm Marrz Blaine providing the following reason: Sharing OOC info. This is not cool, thus a strike is being issued.
Strike 1. The player may submit a ticket in one week to request unban.
Year 25 Day 221, 21:59 Noctis banned player Dietrich Rakshesh providing the following reason: Harassment
Player was given an immediate strike 2 and can request an unban through a help ticket at support.swcombine.com in 3 weeks.
Falcon Edit:
Year 25 Day 225, 14:15 Falcon banned player Ahm Chin providing the following reason: Multi Ban -- ban evasion
I'm issuing strike 3 for ban evasion. This ban is now permanent.
Year 25 Day 227, 12:49 Falcon banned player Lothor Shan providing the following reason: Multi Ban - Dietrich Rakshesh remake
(Edited by Falcon on Year 25 Day 227) | |
Gorgo Cyclo has been issued with a strike 1 ban for repeatedly stealing items from HerdFest.
Year 25 Day 166, 8:28 Platypus banned player Gorgo Cyclo providing the following reason: HerdFest misbehaviour
Submit a support ticket in 7 days.
Arnis Endeel has been permabanned for creating yet another account trying to circumvent the ban.
Year 24 Day 317, 8:28
Tortle banned player Elix Chume providing the following reason: Multi Ban
Year 24 Day 316, 20:42, Tortle banned player Arnis Endeel providing the following reason: Multi Ban - asset laundering.
Year 24 Day 316, 20:42, Tortle banned player Titus Marth providing the following reason: Multi Ban - asset laundering.
Year 24 Day 316, 20:42, Tortle banned player Gul Arkanus providing the following reason: Multi Ban - asset laundering.
Year 24 Day 316, 20:42, Tortle banned player Jaster Varless providing the following reason: Multi Ban - asset laundering.
First day and I already got to drop the hammer... it's almost enough to bring a tear to my eye.
They came back, or tried to. Your ban is now as permanent as knotweed.
Year 25 Day 152, 10:09 Platypus banned player Bren Mao providing the following reason: Multi Ban
(Edited by Platypus on Year 25 Day 152) | |
Year 25 Day 139, 13:35 Platypus banned player Rick Bender providing the following reason: Golden Rule violation
Rick Bender has been issued with a strike 1 ban for a golden rule violation - specifically, sending a tavern to a faction which had blacklisted him in order to turn in a few bounty hunting pucks, then recycling said tavern. The rewards from those pucks have also been confiscated.
Submit a support ticket in 7 days.
Deathmatch has concluded! Long live new champion, Memnoch, who has succeeded in narrowly stopping the blue lady from winning twice. Go vote in the new Deathmatch!
As is tradition, new Grudge Matches have appeared. Falcon has a list of everyone who voted Crow in the last round and you'll be getting coal next Winterfest.
Be sure to submit new and exciting and definitely not trolling grudge matches for the future!
Asim applications are now closed. Thanks to all who applied!
Hi folks,
Asim applications will close tonight after 23:59. These are the final moments to get them in!
Seasons Greetings!
I hope you all are having yourself a happy Holiday Season(and if not, that's okay too! Or I hope it gets better!). Now that I'm done terrorizing the rooms aboard your ships
If you are interested, here are the rules:
- Newly hired asims are not required to irrevocably drop their character. Instead, their characters are suspended for the duration of being an Asim.
- Asims have no In-Character (IC) activity related to their suspended character while working for the administration.
- Asims will have a defined period of service of six months after which they may step down, or remain until they desire to return to the game.
- Compensation in the form of Combine Points will be provided for Asims who remain active and effective throughout their service period.
- Asims are required to use Discord and must be active in staff channels, as that is how the majority of decisions are made.
- Asim duties center around helping players affected by bugs, handling support tickets, and dealing with rules violations. There may be opportunities for asims to assist in designing RP opportunities for SWC at large, along with participating in discussion on game features before they are announced or implemented.
Applications should be submitted via Darkness Message to both Arjuna and Falcon. Please answer the following questions in your application(Note that this year we've added a 3rd scenario-based section):
SWC-specific questions:
- What is your Combine handle?
- How long have you played SWC?
- What have you done IC so far (including previous characters)? What are you working on currently, and what is your position with your faction?
- Why do you want to become an Asim and what would you contribute?
- Are you involved in any other online games or RPGs of a similar nature? If so please describe your position and responsibilities
- Please provide three references of SWC members who are not on the administration team that have been in the game for at least two years.
- If someone wrote a biography about your character what would the Title be? What is the best chapter?
Real-life questions:
- Where do you live?
- How old are you?
- What is your occupation?
- If you were an animal, what would you be(this is incredibly important)?
- How much time are you potentially available to volunteer per week on improving SWC?
- Have you performed administrative duties in the past or organized groups/events?
- What is your favorite fish fact?
Scenario Questions:
- Imagine for a moment you are on the team. A player accuses another of harassment but provides little evidence. How do you investigate and resolve this?
- A SWC Teams member suggests a game mechanic change that could be seen as biased toward their faction. How do you handle it?
- You discover a team member is using their position to gain an unfair advantage in the game. What do you do?
- How would you approach working with other Asims to resolve disagreements on game design or rules enforcement?
- How do you handle situations where players are being hostile or overly demanding?
If you are not interested
and are still reading this post feel free to send seasons greetings to Noctis.
Asim Applications will close around Y26 D47 (January 11, 2025)
(Edited by Falcon on Year 26 Day 48) | |
Avast, me hearties! Gather 'round fer some rum-soaked news!
Our spyglasses be spyin' new bandit contraptions prowlin' the spaceways! Aye, AT LEAST 9 fresh vessels, listed below fer yer plunderin’ pleasure:
These scallywag ships be seen only in bandit spawns fer now. If ye’ve a hankerin’ to claim one, ye’ll need to capture 'em yerselves, savvy? An extra bonus fer the lot o’ ye recyclin' savvy swabs— the GS-100 be fit fer recyclin’ at the same rate as the GRZ (keep yer peepers peeled fer the Recycling Rules Page update comin’ soon). If ye fancy, ye can peep the Space Bandits Rules Page and see how often these scallywags be comin' round the block.
So hoist yer metaphorical cutlasses and set sail fer adventure! May the stars favor yer huntin’, and may the solar wind be ever at yer back! YARRR!
EDIT: Upon popular requests the Freighters now have storage rooms for storing their... freight.
(Edited by Falcon on Year 26 Day 36) | |
I come to you with atonement for the room map shenanigans...
Deathmatch has been advanced to the final round!! Go and vote for who hate the least!
Additionally, as is tradition, Grudge Matches have been updated as well! I gave you all plenty to deliberate amongst yourselves on, so take your time. That being said, since most of you decided deathmatch should NOT result in death, I am unhappy to announce that we will not be implementing the death feature associated with that suggestion. The other two match results come as no surprise to anyone.
As always, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, etc. you can DM me where I'll ignore it or you can submit a support ticket!
I will now leave you with this fish fact I found:
Fish feel pleasure, not just pain
Fish interact and form relationships with each other and other fish species. For example, bluestreak cleaner wrasses provide a special service to fellow fish. The wrasses swim into the gills and mouths of their “clients” to remove and feed on their parasites. In some cases, their clients are fish who’d otherwise eat them. So, to help appease them, the wrasses will often stroke their clients with their fins. Studies have shown that being stroked by cleaner fish is not only a pleasurable feeling for client fish, it also helps them to relieve stress — almost like a therapeutic massage.

Hello everyone.
I was talking to a little bird, and he reminded me how much you all enjoy CPs, so I figured I would see how true that was. I have been working towards getting Ground Showdowns up and running again because, if you haven't noticed, we have a lot of exciting ground combat features that would be really nice for you all to test out. I'm about halfway through my work, and I remember getting tired of having only one map to play on in the past.
This is where you all come in, as I don't want to be the only one making maps. I need suggestions and some new ideas for new cities for us to all play in. I have made a post to keep everything contained in the Work for CPs area. Head over there to see the rules and what you need to do to join in.
Edit: Y25 D217
Just a friendly reminder, don't forget to submit or vote.
Edit Y25 D233
We have had a very busy week so far and I don't want to stop the fun, so here's a quick update from me. First off, thank you to everyone who created city designs. They were all very enjoyable to see, but unfortunately, I couldn't accept them all. CPs have been awarded for the 30 cities I did pick, and I'll let the winners brag about their creations. With that being said, Ground Showdowns have been released and can now be enjoyed. Contact your local showdown coordinator to setup a match and continue enjoying all the new things this week.
Falcon Edit: I've posted a Ground Showdown FAQ for how to set up ground showdowns in the FAQ portion of the forums. Enjoy!
EDIT Y25 D245
Hey Folks, I've added 18 new fitouts for showdown use(IDs 68 - 86 in the FAQ pictures). You can check them out in the FAQ (link above) or on their rules page.
^^ apparently this added them to the available loadouts for bandits so uhh.... in the meantime, good luck!!
(Edited by Falcon on Year 25 Day 248) | |
Hello everyone, having come back from a brush with IRL permadeath, I would like to try rewarding the grim reaper by doing something with SWC permadeath. The main stumbling block is that we do not appear to have a consensus on whether to go towards the light or run away from it.
Therefore I am launching this survey in order that the SWC community may express its hopes, dreams and wishes as we continue to approach global combat. May the future ever be filled with violence and destruction in this universe, which literally has Wars in its name.
Click here for survey
If you have questions, feel free to hit me up in DMs. Or submit a support ticket.
Edit: The survey will remain open for a week and be closed around D246. Results may be published shortly after that point.
Edit2: 544 responses so far. There are still three days until I close this.
The survey has been closed. Stand by for results.
(Edited by Platypus on Year 25 Day 246) | |
FALCON EDIT Y25 D228: This is the final update for this sim news post. Herdfest server has been archived and you may now claim items aboard the T2 and Herdship (with the exception of items currently being spawned by another character. Give them ample time to pick their item up from the floor).
Thanks again for participating and enjoy your day!
FALCON EDIT Y25 D206: I will be archiving the HerdFest Discord server in ~24 days(just setting all channels to read-only and removing extra privs). Once that is done, I will post one final update here. Additionally, when the server is archived, I will not be enforcing the "no stealing from HerdFest" rule. So basically, if you want your stuff, you have until I post the next update to grab your stuff or someone else is gonna come along and steal it.
one caveat to this is that if you follow a latecomer into the Baffor Jubilee and claim their prize right when it's spawned, then that will be enforced.
That is all. See you in 24 days!
It seems we Platypus forgot to make a Sim News about this... sorry!
The Ithorian Explorer who used to teleport you to the Herdship has gone home. The rewards vendor is still available and can be found in the cockpit of the Herdship which you can travel to at the following coordinates:
Sector: Bright Jewel
System: Bright Jewel (-5, 185)
System Position: (12, 9)
We have no plans to remove the rewards vendor any time soon, so if you still have leaves burning a hole in your pocket, feel free to spend them!
Platypus Edit: Sorry, my bad! One note - the Herd Meet Host in the Bafforr Jubilee's entrance can still send you home one last time. This NPC will be removed after D194.
(Edited by Falcon on Year 25 Day 228) | |
Hi, I’m Mador Anami. You may remember me from such Quest Team projects as Herdfest, Lightsaber Crafting X and dozens of other entity scripts.
I hope everyone had a good time at Herdfest. Most of the teammates who worked on Herdfest had not been involved in any previous events before. We are already painfully aware of a few issues to improve on for future events. But we also wanted to get feedback from all of you.
Here’s the feedback form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdfRTLZnEAbxJ_Gjro7iVhGe5xAaaPqfXpp3HVpwvEh642yJw/viewform?usp=sf_link
I have also had a number of people reach out to me asking about joining the quest team. I appreciate all the enthusiasm. The main thing I’m looking for is for you to show me a LISP script that you wrote which shows you understand the basic fundamentals of the language and have some fun and creative ideas. If you aren’t familiar with LISP, luckily you should have lots of rare protocol droids from Herdfest you can test things on.
Rilan Ludel has made an awesome intro to LISP video tutorial series. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Ega_eBm2fH3XFQXEBqDGlAP82kqrTde
Kay Dallben has a written tutorial overview as well. https://docs.google.com/document/d/11i9y8ydhDKJmIAr6Ah-g-sRJ4hEqCKeYg0V2ZM4sdEA/edit?pli=1
Even if you think you would excel more in the quest writing/story side, having a basic understanding of LISP will help you to know what’s possible.
Feel free to reach out to me via DM or on Discord if you have any questions.
We are approaching not only the end of HerdFest, but also the end of the group event! In case this is your first time hearing about this, there is a city to the south with an Infested Research Centre, lots of berry monsters, and a couple consoles that are requesting a blood sample. We're nearing the end of the required amount of samples, but are running out of donors(as each player can donate exactly once)! If you are at HerdFest and haven't donated a sample, make sure you talk to the Ithorian Explorer outside the Herdship!
As a side note, we'll be redoing the concert this Friday at 19:30CGT again, but I'm hearing rumors that the band will be out today and tomorrow for a meet and greet.
Edit: Enough blood samples have been donated. The final boss battle is underway... perhaps lend a hand?

Because many people have asked about which room to be in, as well as an assortment of other questions, I've compiled them into our FAQ. Please feel free to reach out with any questions.
Gadzooks! It seems like Linkin Bark is almost done preparing and will be putting on a concert in the Bafforr Jubilee Docking Bay (Room# 6061) using their Gale-class StarStage Light Freighter! In case you didn't know, this ship has a stage that can fold out from one of the side panels, which is where they'll perform.
Make sure you are in the Docking Bay (Room# 6061) on Friday (Y25 D166) NO LATER THAN 19:30 COMBINE GAME TIME (10:30pm Eastern US Time/2:30am UTC) if you wish to attend this concert!!!
Additionally, this concert will be livestreamed from the Concert Hall voice channel in the HerdFest Discord! (Speaking permissions will be disabled, but we've got a special treat for you! Also, attendance in the voice chat is not mandatory, but showing up to the concert is HIGHLY ENCOURAGED.)
(Edited by Falcon on Year 25 Day 166) | |
Good evening/morning/afternoon folks,
I'm taking a break from watering these plants in order to inform you that the former asim, Tortle, has stepped down. He was with us for a bit over 7 months, but will be returning to Player status under his old character: Myrhrai Isalia Rosiir. We want to thank Tortle for all of his hard work, and dedication to this game.
We are not opening Asim applications at this time, but stay tuned for when the next round opens, and apply!
Current Asims are:
- Me (Falcon) -- Hi
- Platypus
- Chupacabra
- And, of course, Noctis
We hope you're having fun at HerdFest! We're 3 days into it and it's getting better and better! If you haven't already, come join the HerdFest discord HERE as there's a dedicated help channel just for the event, and that's also where all the updates are going(there's too many to post here without spamming you all). I also drop nightly stats in there for you nerds who enjoy that stuff (hey it's me, a nerd).
As always, you can click HERE to submit a support ticket.