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AMC Joins the Hunt to Rid the Galaxy of Villainy and Scum
Posted by: Sophie Blaster, AMC-CNN
Date: Year 22 Day 59 Onboard the Defender-class Light Corvette [AMC] Defender-Class Corvette "Chasseur" in system Dorin (-94, 173).

Breaking news reported by AMC-CNN Information Magistarte, Sophie Blaster.

Alliance of Mercenary Consortium Proconsuls Shri Bacca and Max Ameeno Baca held a virtual press conference today in which they threw the entire weight of the Consortium behind the larger galaxy wide push to restore safety to galaxy citizens.

Max Ameeno started of the press conference by reading the following communique: "The destabilization of the galaxy as a result of the dissolution of New Republic, coupled with the recent decision by the known Bounty Hunter Guilds and Organizations to take on a more mercenary role as they focus on other responsibilities in their spheres of influence has lead to an increase in criminal activity across all facets of the known galaxy.

As this galaxy wide threat to peace and prosperity mounts, a call has gone out to aid in the effort to restore law and order. The Alliance of Mercenary Consortium's Triumvirate Council held an emergency session and has voted to mobilize all available forces towards this end. The former Bounty Hunter Guilds and Organizations have agreed to spearhead these efforts and agents from these entities have taken up residence in taverns all across the known galaxy to help coordinate the round up of individuals of mal intent and the leaders of the known criminal cartels.

Bounty Hunter Fobs, distributed by the various Bounty Hunting Guilds help track and locate known criminal elements.

Realizing that access to these Bounty Hunting Agents is crucial for any sentient in the galaxy looking to answer the call to join this Hunt, AMC has established a city solely devoted to this purpose. Hunter's Landing is a city located at planetary terrain coordinate (4, 1) on the unshielded planet Leafar which resides in the Leafar System of the Ploo Sector. Ploo is centrally located in the Northern Mid Rim Region and serves as an excellent starting location as it has well established hyperlanes to all corners of the known galaxy.

Seeing the value of this location, all of the major Bounty Hunting Guilds and Organizations have sent their representatives to establish Bounty Hunting Cantinas in the city. There are Bounty Agents as well as Guild Tradesmen and Shopkeepers from the Bounty Hunter's Guild as well as from House Benelex, Qulok's Fist, the GenoHaradan, and the Granse Confederacy that have established themselves in Hunter's Landing.”

Spaceport at Hunter's Landing
Sector: Ploo
System: Leafar (80, 190)
Planet: Leafar (12, 8)
Surface: (4, 1)

Shri Bacca followed up with a warning and call to any current or would be Bounty Hunters: “As would be expected, reports have come in that this city is not without its own dangers as well as its own opportunities. Bounty Hunting often attracts  a particular set of adventurers and unfortunately criminals can be found in the dark alleyways in between the numerous taverns and even within the various buildings themselves. AMC, therefore, has put forth its own bounties and has asked those bounty hunters coming into the city to help clear it of these criminal vagrants. There are also reports of numerous abandoned droids and even some scattered reports of creatures that can be encountered and claimed as they roam the streets and buildings of the city. It has been said that abandoned ships and vehicles have also been claimed within the city limits. It seems that sometimes "would-be" bounty hunters come to Hunter's Landing and get in over their heads. Those not up to the task either abandon all they have fleeing for their lives or they pay the ultimate price and their possessions are left to be claimed by anyone lucky enough to find them. This seems to be the exception and not the rule, however, as most bounty hunters that come to Hunter's Landing are experienced and skilled. We will be making plans for the most skilled of these bounty hunters to have an opportunity to be memorialized as official statues for this purpose are being erected throughout the Bounty Cantina District of the city. As more and more sentients are drawn to this profession, this type of recognition is sure to enhance any bounty hunter's reputation throughout the galaxy and make them stand out above the rest.

Even with more and more bounty hunters joining the fray, only time will tell if this new galaxy wide emphasis to re-establish law and order across all Systems will stem the tide of criminal activity which threatens the peace, prosperity and tranquility of the known galaxy.

Do your part and join The Hunt from Hunter's Landing!”

For more information on Bounty Hunting procedures on Leafar, interested parties are encouraged to contact AMC Proconsul Max Ameeno Baca directly or visit AMC’s official news outlet.

A meeting between a Master Bounty Hunter and a Bounty Hunter's Guild Agent in Hunter's Landing.

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Events in Brief
Year 25 Day 151: Trilon Inc. was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
Year 25 Day 150: Chars Antarian Ranger Security Enforcers was dissolved today.
Year 25 Day 150: Skarka Trongard, the leader of Chars Antarian Ranger Security Enforcers was replaced today by Torth Ladar.