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Not a captured pirate!
Posted by: PaulDaJedi, Raptor Pirates
Date: Year 5 Day 308 Onboard the Carrack/I-class Light Cruiser Nemisis in system Saari Ha.
last week a Mr. Amib Damorr was captured by the nice folks at Ediola. Now the Raptor Pirates would like to point somthing out for the record, Amib Damorr quite the Raptor Pirates almost a week before being captured by Ediola on an Imp transport, and aperently tried saying he was still a member to gain preferential treatment or maybe even a release for being a fellow pirate (wich probably would have worked had it been the truth) and had that not worked the Raptor Pirates would have been willing to mount a rescue. how ever the Raptor Pirates cant be expected to go around saving every random civilian thats captured by a pirate group. So to Mr Amib Damorr I have to say sorry would have been a differnt story had you not parted ways with us so soon and in the future if you walk out on sombody...dont try to use them as a referance. To Ediola all I have to say is, have your fun but be gental.....he is only a bomar monk ;-)

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Events in Brief
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Year 25 Day 162: Voracity Aesculapian was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
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Year 25 Day 161: Endara Mining Corporation was dissolved today.
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