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Welcome to the Galactic News Service
The Consortium of Mining Summit Continues...
Hacked by: Prakhzum, Nikklon Mining Incorporated
Date: Year 5 Day 357 Onboard the Bulk Freighter Nikklon Transport in system Dellalt.
The screens abruptly fades the GNN logo and dims out to an elegant lady well dressed standing inside what appears to be the lobby of a hotel...

"This is Jalel Wendin reporting. I am within the Nikklon Hotels where the Consortium Of Mining Summit is still in progress. It seems there was tension and stress as the main agenda of the summit was being discussed. Two of the oldest mining companies left along with Princess Gabby of NAO leading the way. I was fortunate to have the attendance of Mr. Clarr Solo of XXX Miners for an interview during the lunch intermission so as to calm everyone down and make sure the summit continues."

Jalel Wendin: I am here with Mr. Clarr Solo, Owner and CEO of XXX Miners. Good day Mr. Solo

Clarr Solo: Good Day Ms. Wendin, pleasure to be here

Jalel Wendin: The pleasure sir is all mine. I was at the summit and was glad as things were going smoothly among the companies that were present. Do you feel this is a sign of good things to come in the summit?

Clarr Solo: The summit is progressing well at this point in time, there are several companies in attendance right now, including NMI, OMC, The Commerce Guild and XXX, and we are all locked into discussions to set a price structure to ensure minerals are sold cheaply to the public in a sustainable fashon, however, there were some initial tensions when a few leaders objected to the talks and abruptly left.

Jalel Wendin: I see, can you please elaborate on these initial tensions as i was unaware of what was really the cause?

Clarr Solo: From what I heard inside the Summit room, It seemed that Ms. Gabrella Storm, tried to forcefully take control of the Mining Summit, however, given that the Summit was supposed to be a level playing field for leaders to discuss pricing and logistics of mining. Given that she was currently a government faction leader and not a mining leader, she was politly asked to leave by the organisers. She left, however, she used her influence as owner of Cloud City to pull them out and Paradox Resource Exploration simply left since Cloud City was not in attendance.

Jalel Wendin: From all indications from the host President Corbin he simply waved it off as a personal matter she had with him and he simply took her up on her offer to leave. Is this true?

Clarr Solo: It is not the place of bureaucrats and business to dabble in the politics and affairs of their brethren. Corbin has history, I have mine and Gabriella has hers. This summit is about setting price structures, not settling personal matters. If Gabriella cannot abide by that, I see no reason she should continue in attendance

Jalel Wendin: I see but with the major and oldest mining industires out of the summit, do you think much can still be achieved with the rest of the mining companies still in the summit?

Clarr Solo: I am positive that talks can still continue smoothly with or without the involvment of Cloud City in the summit. There are several mining companys still in attendance, including NMI, NMC, JMC, XXX and StormOne, and talks are still continuing, to ensure that we can achieve a positive solution for mining factions and customers alike.

Jalel Wendin: Now that is very good to hear and we hope that this will be mainly to the consumers liking. But as you are aware it seems Cloud City has also formed 'The Intergalactic Mining Guild' and from all indications in the report it seems they have prices and transportation already covered. Is there anything you can add on this or has the summit being simply wasting its time in doors?

Clarr Solo: The 'Intergalactic Mining Guild' is a pushover, it is Ms. Storm's attempt at controlling the market, and it will not work. She lacks wide ranging support from many CMGs, and her continued involvment with the GE and NAO will ensure that the Mining Guild is just an attempt to strangle free trade from private and non-GE allied factions. I can assure you, and everyone else out there that our talks haven't been for nothing. We have currently worked out a pricing structure for nearly 75% of all the known minerals in the galaxy, and are working on a sustainable pricing system for transportation and storage. There also seems to be a rumor floating around the summit, saying that Ms. Storms prices are very similar to the ones which we developed and planned out, while she was present.

Jalel Wendin: I see, well i for one certainly hope that things are worked out in this summit as i for one do not like the whole idea of taking control of things as it was put in the report. I prefer a general consensus on things. But i am merely a reporter and as such it is my job to report what happens. it was great to have you Mr. Solo and i hope i can get another interview with you once the summit is over?

Clarr Solo: Ofcourse, it has been a pleasure to speak to you, Ms. Wendin

Jalel Wendin: Thanks for your time Mr. Solo, and as always the pleasure is truly all mine.

"Well there you have it, much is to said as to the outcome of the summit but it seems all those within the summit and that is quite a few are keen on finishing what had begun here and from all indications no one wishes to join the newly formed 'Intergalactic Mining Guild'. This is Jalel Wendin for GNN."

The screends fade out and back to your regular programming...

[Main Page]
Events in Brief
Year 25 Day 168: After widespread accusations of corruption by BlueFire Mining in Mysterious Asteroid 51324's elections, it is unclear who is the rightful leader of the world's government.
Year 25 Day 167: After bitter negotiations, the citizens of Vagran I Companion have relented and agreed to allow Bounty Hunters Guild to govern them.
Year 25 Day 167: Kolohe Mining Group MK2 has wrested control of Kheedar I away from Bounty Hunters Guild after a shocking election season that has left analysts puzzled.
Year 25 Day 167: With a super-majority of planetary legislators comfortably in pocket, Bounty Hunters Guild has all but assumed control of Vagran, previously governed by Kolohe Mining Group MK2.
Year 25 Day 167: Bounty Hunters Guild has wrested control of Vagran I away from Kolohe Mining Group MK2 after a shocking election season that has left analysts puzzled.
Year 25 Day 167: Board members of Bounty Hunters Guild have bought majority shares in the treasury, infrastructure, and major planetary corporations on Vagran II, effectively giving them more power than Kolohe Mining Group MK2 who previously governed the world.
Year 25 Day 167: While their coup has been condemned by many across the galaxy, Bounty Hunters Guild has formed a government and assumed control of Xyquine III, replacing Kolohe Mining Group MK2.
Year 25 Day 167: Now that Kolohe Mining Group MK2 controls the vast majority of Kheedar Companion’s economy, its leadership has come to be seen as the real authority on the planet instead of Bounty Hunters Guild.
Year 25 Day 167: The ruling classes on Kheedar have lost confidence in Bounty Hunters Guild to govern their world effectively and have instead appealed to Kolohe Mining Group MK2 for leadership.
Year 25 Day 166: Amid the screams of terror, and due to the uncertain nature of things, Linkin Bark has retreated back to their Shuttle and are postponing their concert until Y25 D173 at 19:30 CGT
Year 25 Day 166: Zooksgad! An explosion has been detected at Noctis' Taco Research Laboratory on Gasteroid. Massive biological and gravitational anomalies are lighting up sensors across the Bright Jewel system.
Year 25 Day 165: Black Hawk Mining was dissolved today.
Year 25 Day 165: Crimson Dawn, holding numerous systems, today claimed their independence. Crimson Dawn is now recognized in the Galaxy as a legal government.