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Sun News Systems: TPA Leadership Changes
Posted by: Plojo Rosom, Black Sun
Date: Year 0 Day 1 Onboard the YT-2000 Androgony in system Kiffex
The screen opens simply on a podium standing in front of a
dark blue background with "TPA" printed
on it in silver letters. The logos dot the background,
quickly blurred by a swift moving man that
takes his place in front of the camera. As the Qiraash
readies himself for the speech, he is
easily identified as Rune Tao, former leader of Hammer's
Slammers and owner of the Trader's
Protection Agency.

"First of all, thank you for coming to this little
announcement of mine. It may not be as sexy as
finding a star destroyer in your garage, but matching Ms.
Tylger's accomplishments is, at best, a
losing proposition. Be that as it may, my announcement
today concerns an entity that I consider
in many ways to be my pet project, the Trader's Protection

"Simply put, it seems that my vacation at the fashionable
Syn Tower could not have come at a more
inopportune time. "

Rune looks off for a moment, thinking intently...

"Where was that again? Dufilvian sector....Falleen
system....wonderful gardens, top notch
handmaidens....or was it Tatooine.... Well at any rate, I

"I'm before you today not for travel tips, but because the
state of the TPA has been slipping over
the past few days. I value Mr. Harth's fine hard work and
commitment to the ideals set out by
myself and Lady DeMornay those many months ago for the TPA.
However, I've seen some disturbing
trends over the past weeks that have lead me to an
important decision."

"After stepping down from the leadership of Hammer's
Slammers, I've been able to take some time,
relax, recharge the batteries so to speak, and come to
terms with how I would like to spend my
time in this galaxy. In short, I have freed up enough time
to the point where I don't feel like
the TPA would be cheated with myself as its leader."

"Therefore, effective immediately, I will be taking over
charge of the Trader's Protection Agency.
Mr. Harth is thanked profusely for his efforts and of
course invited to stay on and assist in the
day to day running of the organization. This is a decision
motivated by a lot of factors and in
no way reflects a personal attack or issue with Mr. Harth."

"Some great ideas have come out of the past few months of
TPA discussion, most notably a rating
system for active traders that places different levels of
confidence on different traders. This
system is an excellent way for new traders to get a feel
for a person's reputation. The system
has had a few kinks and these will be revamped. The effort
to bring these kinks to light by
people such as Syn Becket-Fe'll is greatly appreciated and
their feedback is welcome as we press
forward as an organization."

"Thanks again for coming out and covering this event. To
those watching out in the galaxy, the
TPA exists for your benefit. We do not claim to be
perfect, we do not claim to be the answer to
all of life's ills, but we do plan to address the needs of
all traders, big and small, to the best
of our collective ability. Thanks again."

With that, Rune exits, stage left and the screen fades to

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Events in Brief
Year 25 Day 164: The popular band Linkin Bark has announced they will be performing live aboard the Bafforr Jubilee on Year 25 Day 166 in the Docking Bay. Admission will be free.
Year 25 Day 164: Black Hawk Defense was dissolved today.
Year 25 Day 163: The citizenry of Atraken C today welcomed a new regime. Sons of Turul successfully convinced inhabitants that they can lead the world to prosperity.
Year 25 Day 162: Voracity Aesculapian was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
Year 25 Day 162: Zeet-ish`Tchizik was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.