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Industrial Espionage Uncovered
Posted by: Exanthium Kerensky, Independent Traders Infonet
Date: Year 18 Day 40 Onboard the M-Class Mon Calamari Luxury Liner Stellar Flare in system Feenicks (-15, -360).
My name is Zaire Kendet and my Co-host here is Kyle Jonos.
We bring you the news of the hour …
Agents from the Internal Security Division of Independent Traders Infonet (ITI), SPECTRE, have uncovered a plot to destabilize the infrastructure of the company by stealing intelligence data files. It is being reported that this has been a long term operation that has finally bore out to an acceptable outcome.
SPECTRE Agents were seen entering the main Data Vault in full riot gear where they were expected to secure their target before escorting them to an undisclosed location where the in-depth interview of his actions over recent days would take place and ascertain the level of deception that was taken.
It is being reported that the head of the Data Vault is being implicated in the selling of information to other groups and governments for the past few months. This has come as a surprise to most that have been working with him stating “that he seemed to be such a nice and amenable person to be around.”
It would appear that the poor broadcast the was put out recently by this station was due it being embedded with a 'tracking worm' that linked itself to its host' terminal upon transmission of signal … and this is how SPECTRE was able to narrow their search for the culprit within the ranks of ITI.
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In other news...
> SSI Ruuvi Technologies has been bought by Centrepoint Mining and then was merged with Ardanian Drive Yards -- Centrepoint Mining
> Alpha Medical Corps was closed today under suspicion of being the victim of embezzlement by Senior Management -- TFNN
> Meteora Enterprises put down a workers rebellion on Otunia II and has restored order to the planet -- Otunia News Network

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Events in Brief
Year 25 Day 147: Mining Guild Authority was dissolved today.