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Birjis Infrastructure and Social Development declared a Success
Hacked by: Belwarmec Al-Thorac, Arkanian Brotherhood
Date: Year 19 Day 263 Location Unknown
Birjis, Birjis System, Dalchon Sector -- Nearing the end of a nearly two year long development plan several major infrastructure projects were opened on the planet Birjis today in an official ceremony in the regional capital of Jillong. Local, planetary and system government and community leaders were present along with members of the Arkanian Brotherhood High Command. The ceremony was streamed live to hundreds of celebration sites which were setup across the planet to include as many communities as possible. Prime Minister George O Rourke, who had overall command of the project, was glowing when speaking of the support he received from everyone involved with the project. "We had several Ministries involved with this operation with personnel representing Logistics, Industry and Science, Infrastructure and Defence. They all completed their tasks ahead of schedule and above standard, and they all represented their Ministries in the finest fashion."

Prime Minister O Rourke also touched on the support from allied and partner groups which assisted at various times during the project, taking time to single out the Triumvirate Coalition who made a major contribution. "The response from our allies and other partners when asked to assist was above and beyond, especially the Triumvirate Coalition. Several specialised task groups were made available to the Arkanian Brotherhood by the Coalition Chambers who were then deployed to lead some of our inexperience teams on the planet surface. This in some cases shortened completion times on projects by several months which in turn allowed us to redistribute resources to bolster efforts in other areas. Again the Triumvirate Coalition has shown themselves to be a true friend of the Arkanian Brotherhood and we look forward to returning the favour if ever the need arises."
Chancellor Va`Li Owa also paid tribute to the contributions of both allied and Arkanian members, before briefly commending Prime Minister O Rourke. "This was an important project not just for the citizens of Birjis but the Arkanian Brotherhood as a whole. It has provided millions of job opportunities to many new and existing citizens not just here in the Birjis System, but also in other systems which formed part of the supply lines for this massive undertaking. Prime Minister O Rourke has done a superb job in not only organising the thousands of individual projects, but also keeping it running smoothly through the twists and turns a project of this scale and time-frame will produce. Without his leadership I think we would still be many months and possibly years away from this moment."

In a press conference held after the official part of the ceremony had been concluded Ambassador Belwarmec Al-Thorac spoke about what the Arkanian Brotherhood government was doing to assist refugees escaping the Hosnian System Crisis after the recent arrival of several transports in the Birjis System from the conflict zone. "The Arkanian Brotherhood has been active in providing support to refugees fleeing oppression and conflict going back to our initial formation by Gavin Kaos in Year 7. Similar to the recent conflict in multiple systems of the Dynali Sector when we provided additional emergency funding to support our refugee programs, the Arkanian Brotherhood High Command has voted to provide additional emergency funding in response to the increased demand for our programs because of the Hosnian Conflict. As part of the increased funding we have been able to provide relief housing here on Birjis to provide support and care for thousands who have so far fled the conflict. We are also offering permanent resettlement here on Birjis or throughout other Arkanian worlds in conjunction with a range of social and economic support programs, or assistance for those looking to resettle on other Galactic Alliance or Neutral controlled worlds."
Ambassador Al-Thorac went on to promote the positive outcomes that participants of Arkanian refugee resettlement programs had experience and were experiencing, and how the programs was successful in helping the wider Arkanian community embrace the new arrivals as part of the Arkanian Family. The Ambassador also encouraged anyone interested in the Arkanian Brotherhood refugee programs to contact any Ministry of External Affairs representatives for further information.

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Events in Brief
Year 25 Day 151: Trilon Inc. was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
Year 25 Day 150: Chars Antarian Ranger Security Enforcers was dissolved today.
Year 25 Day 150: Skarka Trongard, the leader of Chars Antarian Ranger Security Enforcers was replaced today by Torth Ladar.