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Welcome to the Galactic News Service
Prime Evolution
Posted by: Grizzik Lo-Lo, Sanctuary Prime
Date: Year 21 Day 23 Onboard the MC-80b Star Cruiser [SAN] Exterminator in system Mek va Uil (187, -103).


The regularly scheduled Galactic News Service program begins and your hosts appear.


“Good afternoon to all across the galaxy! As the galactic Civil War draws to a close many have come forward to assume an aggressive stance towards the Galactic Empire. One of the first groups to respond was Sanctuary Prime. This controversial group held all of human kind in contempt! Now we hear they’ve changed their tone some what. We caught up with the leader of Sanctuary Prime, Grizzik Lo-Lo to get some clarity on several issues and see what he thought of the recent galactic shake up!”


The screen flashes to a room that appears to be a tactical command center. Many can be seen in the back, the center is bustling with activity. In center view is Grizzik, his protocol droid beside him. 


Afternoon Grizzik! Thank you for welcoming me to the Mek va Uil! It’s a beautiful planet!” The reporter comments and then continues. “With that being said what do you see is Sanctuary Prime’s role in the current galactic state of affairs?”


Grizzik nods and starts speaking, his protocol droid translating as quickly as possible. 


“Well that’s a complicated subject. Even though the New Republic was not perfect, they were by far one of the most inclusive groups that existed. We are all saddened to see a fellow Reclaimer turn to the enemy. Our role is simple, we are here to support and help all that need protection and safety from the seemingly unstoppable Galactic Empire.”


The reporter tilts his head.


“That’s good to hear but you said ‘all’ not just Reclaimers, has your stance changed on human kind?”


Grizzik makes a noise that could only be described as a chuckle and continues to speak. 


Sanctuary Prime is a place of advancement and evolution. Reclaimers have changed and adapted over millions of years. That’s why we are so different, nature has tempered us to succeed no matter the environment. After The movement started and we lost our dear friends at networkRabbit I had an outpouring of support. More and more so many humans came to me and expressed their support. Their compassion coupled with the true desire of change made me and my fellow Reclaimers step back and take a look at our forward momentum. Even though we can all agree l, that with the Imperial so called ‘victory’, most humans desire nothing but harm to come towards us all. Galen’s treachery showed that like humans, not all of us are good or bad. There’s always exceptions on both sides. Although a somber moment, the Empire’s victory has all but reassured us that our message of human aggression was warranted,  yet the treason of a Reclaimer shows no one is immune to the seduction of power. We welcome everyone from all corners of the galaxy to help stand against this onslaught.”


“Are you saying that now Sanctuary Prime is accepting everyone now?” 


“I’m saying that every case is different. As we said non-reclaimers have caused just about every known issue since time began. This is no different. In This case a fellow reclaimer was warped and driven mad with power and forced to do the bidding of his masters. This proves our logic beyond reproach. Then an unknown human group supposedly captured some Wookiee’s.....”


“I’m glad you brought that up! I was going to ask if you were ever going to respond to that situation, in which Sanctuary Prime was clearly indicated as a target.”


“Well once the story broke I instantly went to work, traveling to Kashyyyk personally. After only a few hours and speaking with leaders planetside we found this group had came and hired many locals, paid them fair wages for their work and are continuing to do so. I suppose that ‘human elitist’ group was merely trying to make something out of nothing by making false claims to get our attention. I actually would like to thank them for allowing those Reclaimers a chance to get off world and help them continue in their respective professions.”


“That is something, thank you for the clarity. I want to thank you for your time and is there anything you’d like to add?”


“I appreciate the time you’ve given me today. I think recent events only prove the future is always in motion. Nothing is a given and we are always looking to each other for guidance. I want everyone out there listening to know, regardless of your origins that we are here to help. I can’t help but echo the word from many stories as of late, that word is ‘Hope.’ A hope that freedom for us all can one day happen, but with such a pretender on the so called ‘throne’ that will never happen. The command center here has been abuzz with communications from across the vastness of space and I say to you all. We hear you. Again thank you for your time and I sincerely welcome you all to reach out to me in the coming days.”


The screen flashes to black and then back to the news room hosts. 


“We appreciate Grizzik and Sanctuary Prime allowing us a quick interview at their facilities.”


“Indeed now for a story on self sealing stem bolts! What are they and is magic involved!”




Interested in working for the movement? Refer to our Recruitment Holopost Or contact Grizzik Lo-Lo today!


Any donations can be sent directly to Sanctuary Prime . Thank you to all of those that supported the cause and donated before, we appreciate you.


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Events in Brief
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Year 25 Day 157: Olanji/Charubah was dissolved today.