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Welcome to the Galactic News Service
Principles will never fall!
Hacked by: Tandis Valeek, Triumvirate Coalition
Date: Year 21 Day 26 Location Unknown

The Triumvirate is up in arms.


Sentients of the galaxy,

As you all know, the Empire has dealt a devastating blow to the government of the New Republic. Stormtroopers will soon be marching down the roads of Republica and Tie-fighters will clutter the skies of Kamino. Sentients will be arrested and executed, dispossessed and enslaved. Some for no other reason than them not being human, some will never even be presented with any reason at all. A “bright, peaceful future” is what the Empire calls this. We call it by its true nature: oppression and tyranny.

We have seen it over and over again. No matter where the Empire goes, all that is left is terror and persecution. But people still have the courage to stand up to the wicked! Heroes still fight the oppression and free people “dare” to not follow everything the Empire says as gospel! People "dare" believe that everyone in the galaxy needs to live a free life. People "have the audacity" to refuse to worship an Emperor, and instead respect their fellow man enough to believe that all sentients should have a say in how they are governed.

For over 20 years, the New Republic and its predecessors upheld the principles of freedom, justice and peace for its citizens, regardless of their beliefs or race. And while the government might have fallen, those ideals have not, and never will. Loyal people from all over the galaxy immediately offered their support and conducted rescue operations to retrieve stranded members of their ally. Those Rebels will continue to live by those principles and continue to fight. And just by the abundance of support that has been generated, the galaxy has shown that it will not cave to the Empire’s threats. The New Republic never stood alone in their fight. They have always had allies, and they will always have allies. Multiple have already announced that they will not back down, and will not be intimidated by this event or the threats from the Empire. The fall of the Republic has sparked a burning hatred against this so-called galactic government in many people. And the Triumvirate Coalition stands with them, as we stood with the New Republic.

While the New Republic might have fallen, their ideals and principles live on in all of those who remember what those brave soldiers gave their life for. Remember the Operation Forging Freedom following the Black Forest Massacre, or the Battle of Sacorria. Remember their sacrifice.

It is true that things look dire, but as our other allies said, this is not the time to give up. If we ever want to free ourselves from the chains of the Empire, we must not give up hope. We have to persevere, even through the defeats and the losses and stand together. Because our hope cannot be extinguished. We have a great galactic community, who will always be willing to fight back against oppression. We might be diverse, a variety of different species, personalities, and interests, but we are united in our hope in peace, justice and freedom. We believe that by working together, we will come to prosper and create a better future for each other. Which is exactly what is needed against something like the Empire.

Freedom, Community, Equality – those are the Triumvirate Coalition’s principles. Words the Empire does not even understand. But we live by those three words. We are willing to die by them. And we will continue to fight for them!


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