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Tatooine Now Under Jawa Control
Hacked by: Zikkan Jaziik, Jawa Offworld Enterprises
Date: Year 21 Day 129 Onboard the EF65 Meridian-class Frigate Mary Dean in system Tatoo (296, -248).

It is our pleasure to report that Jawa Offworld Enterprises has taken formal control of the government of Tatooine and with it the rest of the Tatoo system. As battles intensified throughout the Arkanis sector between Imperial and various Rebel forces, the Imperial appointed government along with their military has unceremoniously withdrawn from the Tatoo system citing it to be of “no value to the Empire”. In the resulting power vacuum, Jawa Offworld Enterprises quickly secured the political support of most of the planet to assume governance of it.

Jawa mother and child watch the Empire withdraw from Tatooine.

After the fall of the New Republic and the instability it caused in the Outer Rim, every Jawa at home or off-world knew that the reclamation of Tatooine took priority. Performing a full evacuation of both Jawa and others from Sasan as well as a partial evacuation of all deep space holdings, JOE shifted its focus back from what profit lays in the stars to the future of its ancestral homeland. Working tirelessly throughout Tatoo, Jawa forces focused first on establishing and running a shadow government on the planets, ensuring that vital imports needed on a harsh world like Tatooine would not get held up by Imperial patrols and uniting the various groups on the planet. With mounting pressure from the Resistance and Rebellion forces in the sector, the Galactic Empire, at last, withdrew entirely from the system. An unnamed Imperial Press Liaison Officer commented: “the [Imperial High Command] saw no value in losing lives over an already strip-mined desert planet that still hasn’t managed to develop so much as a microbe of civilization after thousands of years of habitation”. This may be complex military parlance, but it is clearly a resounding military win by Jawas over Imperial forces.

Ini Kedi, leader of Jawa Offworld Enterprises and famous Jawa, took this historic moment after JOE took to give the following speech, translated to Basic for a galactic audience: “For decades, we have struggled, at times openly and at times covertly, against external interference on Tatooine. For eons the planet was open to all, allowing free trade and cultural exchange until galactic governments took advantage of our openness and restricted our way of life, culminating in the exodus of Jawa to look for better prospects. Now, we are the ones that took advantage. The clans once again control our ancestral planet, and we will work tirelessly to bring it back to its former glory free of oppression. For that purpose, we are starting a trust, called "Reach New Heights," to be used for the betterment of the whole Tatoo system. Please donate." This touching message and shameless advertisement have truly struck a chord across the galaxy.

With Tatooine now controlled by the Jawas, many wonder what its future may hold. Simply, the details are unclear. However, Jawas will no longer have to bow to the demands made by the often oppressive foreign governments that have ruled over them for nearly as long as they can remember. All citizens of Tatooine, Jawa or not, are now free from having to endure laws placed on them by those who rarely even step foot in the system. This planet and this system shall no longer endure being shut off from the wider galaxy as a part of the foreign policy of erratic government leaders. We shall be free and with that freedom, we shall prosper.

Jawas posing with a map of Tatooine in celebration.

To those who have helped us, we extend our gratitude. This would never have happened if it were not for those across the galaxy who opened up doors that Jawas would not normally be able to pass through. To those who helped us at Sasan, it may have fallen but it enabled us to return to Tatooine stronger than ever before. We also, of course, extend our thanks to those in JOE and throughout Tatoo who have helped us take control of our homeworld. We will not let you down. Our focus is here and it always will be.

[Help Jawas Reach New Heights]

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Events in Brief
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Year 25 Day 161: Multiple candidates have declared victory in the recent planet-wide elections on H'ratth, pushing the world toward a civil war. It is clear that Endara Mining Corporation remains the governing power in name only.
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Year 25 Day 161: A coalition of populist movements have wrested control of Corvanni II Minor C away from Endara Mining Corporation, promising to keep the world autonomous and free of off-world influence.
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Year 25 Day 160: After bitter negotiations, the citizens of Argai have relented and agreed to allow Athakam MedTech to govern them.