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Shili Free Planet
Hacked by: Lahasa Fy, Shili Free Press
Date: Year 21 Day 295 Onboard the EF65 Meridian-class Frigate TDF Sole Survivor in system Nimban (340, 60).
An historic agreement was reached and formalized recently that allows the planet of Shili, home to the proud and honorable Togruta people, to become a free, neutral and locally governed planet. Never again shall the Togrutan people feel the burden of another government ruling their homeword or controlling how the planet is developed or thrust into galactic affairs.

Serene Shili from Orbit

This agreement comes in the wake of a turbulent time for the planet. Having been under the controlling thumb of the New Republic for over a decade, the Galactic Empire took control of the planet for a short time following the dissolution of the Republic by Galen Darksol. The Empire did not plan to retain the planet long-term, as it was located outside the regions of space which they consider to be sovereign territory. The area was also not a scene of any intense rebellion or fighting in the aftermath of the republic’s demise, as the location of the planet was too far from the strongholds of the new Rebel Alliance. The rebels had no substantive presence in Shili from which to disturb the tense peace that remained in the wake of the collapse of the republic. Primarily, the Imperial presence in the system ensured that the remnants of the 'rebel scum' were removed from the planet. Any portable military assets, such as starfighters that the republic had positioned in the system for protection, were transferred into the control of allied governments like Black Sun as part of the Imperial Union’s consolidation in wake of the momentous shift in power.

However, seeing as the Empire had little appetite for ruling Shili for the long term, they sought a safe partner to which to cede the planet. The proximity of Shili and the Ehosiq Sector to the Coruscant Oversector, the emerald region of Imperial space, played a role in the decision process. However, with no other ally nearby, another Union member was also not a logical choice for control. In the wake of the Confederacy of Independent Systems joining the Galactic Concordiate, the Empire found a willing and acceptable partner. Eventually, the Empire handed system and sector control to Siejo Kutol and his government.

When asked about their interest in governing Shili, Kutol provided the following statement. “The opportunity to bring peace to the region was the primary motivator for the Confederacy to work with the Empire and bring the Ehosiq Sector under our jurisdiction. The Treaty of Kliap allowed the Confederacy to not only move our people and forces out of potential areas of conflict, but also look to spread this new found peace throughout the area. We brought with us many refugees, sentients of all races, to settle on Shili. We were overjoyed at the welcome we received.”

Kutol continued, “During Galaxy fest, increased traffic to the neighboring sectors and interest in the region also brought increased diversity to the area. Several local leaders came to the neighboring Bright Jewel Sector and met with some of the Confederate Leadership as they took in the event. Rumors of a Free Shili underground movement were discussed. These rumors brought some mixed feelings from our group. Having personally known the sting of seeing your homeworld controlled by a group who may not have your people’s best-interests at heart, I actually favored trying to find a way to return governance to the local population. After the Galaxy Festivities ended, a large meeting was held between the leadership of the CIS and it was decided that our forces would be best utilized in the Outer Rim. After meeting with local Togrutan leadership, a transition plan was put in place. “

Underground Movement Regional Leaders

Kutol concluded, “Our goal was to slowly turn over complete control of the sector back to the Togruta people. However, other recent events, which shall be revealed in due time, have slightly accelerated the transition. However, I believe, the accelerated progress suits the best interests of both the CIS and the new Shili Government.” Reports are surfacing that CIS forces are amassing in the Nijune sector, potentially securing a newly discovered system. A portion of the refugees CIS brought with them to Shili have elected to stay on planet, while others have traveled with CIS to Nijune and the exciting prospects it provides.

Confederate Forces Coordinate Emigration to Outer Rim

The announcement that the Togrutan Homeworld would be officially and perpetually a peaceful and locally controlled system was warmly received by the tens of millions of sentients that call the planet home. Planning is already underway to remove some of the ill-favored factories and mining facilities that mar the surface. Discussions are also proceeding on how, and to what extent, to remove and dismantle weaponry and shielding that was installed during the era of New Republic control. The need for those facilities is now greatly reduced without the fear of being a site of war between the Empire and Republic.

Lahasa Fy, former Governor of Shili under the New Republic, and one of the more well-known Togruta in the galaxy had the following statement. “When Siejo approached me with this idea at GalaxyFest, I was overjoyed. I spent many years planning and worrying about how to keep my homeworld safe from potential calamity if we got dragged into the front lines of a war. Seeing the possibility for a lasting peace out of the recent turmoil is an amazing happenstance. However, I made sure to stay out of the discussions over the formation of a new government. My old ties to the New Republic are well known. The planet needs its own, independent voice to move forward into our future without echoes from the past. I certainly provide my advice and consultations to the new ruling council when asked, because of my experience and knowledge. However, I have declined any personal involvement in political matters. The people need this government to form in a manner to best serve our planet as a whole, in this new age.”

It seems that the local leaders currently favor returning to a Tribal Democracy system from the native inhabitants’ past. Each city and each major tribal land area will have a local control authority, and a seat on an elder council that will make decisions for the planet as a whole. The specific lines of demarcation for the various seats are still being discussed. Like any major change, the transition is expected to have some slight bumps and missteps, but the overall feeling and mood on the planet is one of hopeful exuberance.

There is a palpable sense of relief. The removal of a stress many bore without even realizing it. Aja Pic, a local product transport operator in Corvala, perhaps summed it up best when she noted to a reporter, “It feels like we had been holding our breath for decades, amidst the turmoil, waiting for a cataclysm that always seemed imminent. Now, we can breathe the fresh air flowing through the turu-grass and smile. The fear has left, and in its wake, an energetic calm.”

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