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Corruptiones Cordis
Posted by: Elaine von Veritrax, Galactic Empire
Date: Year 24 Day 22 Onboard the Lucrehulk-class Battleship Hydra in system Tanjay (-25, 87).

Tanjay (INB) - In a rare departure from its characteristic secrecy, Imperial Intelligence has made a surprise announcement revealing  a series of covert recordings from meetings of the Rebel Alliance Advisory Council. The announcement highlights the fractured remnants of the Alliance and its overall inability to address organizational issues, its lack of strategic vision, and a complete failure to unify its political affiliates. These recent revelations presented by Imperial Intelligence offer a unique opportunity for junior officers and citizens alike to gain a better understanding of the current state of the rebellion.

Advisory Council convenes to discuss state of the Rebellion

The rebellion's leaders, suddenly facing a power vacuum as its allies capitalize on technology of their own, have begun to orchestrate plans to subtly regain control. Aeron Llywelyn Rees, the leader of Corellian Transport Services was quoted as saying “Now that we are so broken up into separate rebel groups, I think we need to maintain and enforce the tier system. Also, to base our allocation numbers [of technology] on the size of the ally and their territory.”

The Rebels’ outright attempt to manipulate their allies by controlling military technology access to allow them to slowly establish control over peer nation state affairs was in line with the expectations of Imperial Intelligence, given the Rebel Council’s reminder of its ability to easily revoke access to technology to any group they wish. This has led to hostilities within the Council surrounding the distribution of restricted technology, while joint operations and an unclear strategic direction continue to strain party lines. The Supreme Commander, Orion Chran went so far as to openly question a policy of quid pro quo, where their allies would have to perform operations on behalf of the rebellion to earn technology.

Chran’s remarks come as reports of mistrust between select leaders of the Rebel Alliance and the Resistance continue to surface. Following ongoing private and public displays of contempt from the Rebel Alliance due to their own intellectual property or the inherent capability of their respective organizations, several Advisory Council members voiced frustration regarding the relationships. It has become increasingly clear throughout the Rebellion that the uneasy dependency on the Blue Star Dominion and Zann Consortium for the management and direction of operations has frustrated many midtier officers. Brack Gredemon, a member of the Rebel Army, was recorded during a private discussion stating “I hate to admit it, but Tomas is probably the only reason we’ve been as successful as we have been in any joint operation.”

Rebel Intelligence seems to be acutely aware of the mismanagement of personnel and resources. The recent separation of Legacy Battle Group from the rest of the military is a direct reflection of mistrust among senior leaders - especially between the Rebel military and its intelligence arm. This has caused significant issues within the Rebel military, with many of its more zealous and devout followers transferring to the Legacy Battle Group - the rebels’ military intelligence force. Imperial Intelligence analysts believe this is one of the knock-on effects of Rebel fears that Imperial Intelligence secretly has placed long-term sleeper agents within the Rebel military and its allies. Analysts within Imperial Intelligence believe this fear has been used by Rebel Intelligence to institute crackdowns and investigations into any sign of “suspicion”, ostensibly in an attempt to weed out any infiltrator.

Senior military commanders Josh Jericho and Larry Turner highlight these frustrations. Jericho and Turner have reportedly grown frustrated as the “military talent pool continues to shift out of direct control.” Turner, whose long career is somewhat tainted according to Imperial records, rose to prominence with the backing of the Supreme Commander Orion Chran despite Turner’s pending charges for a murder committed over a decade ago under the watch of the New Republic, an egregious charge swept under the rug for his appointment. Aeron Llywelyn was among those shocked by Turner’s unseemly rise, having stated “I have honestly no idea how our military promotions work—that’s a totally foreign world to me—but it seems odd that someone could advance so quickly.” Perhaps it is for this reason Rebel Intelligence has taken steps to separate themselves by creating a large sub-faction of followers, leaving its Director, Darcks Galvan, poised to hold considerable sway over Rebel operations, regardless of branch.

Darcks Galvan grows increasingly paranoid

The lauded offices of the Rebel High Command continue to betray the values of republicanism they supposedly fight for, be it out of paranoia or desperate attempts to grasp at straws in order to maintain their personal power, wealth, and authority. One cannot help but question the quality of strategic policy and planning that the current leadership of the rebellion can provide when they have historically proven inept or delusional in the conduct of their operations. Darcks Galvan clearly recognizes the dramatic shift and corruption, having coolly stated during their meeting that: “the Rebel Alliance may be a faction that protects freedom and liberty, but we are no longer a representative-democracy.”

Elaine von Veritrax, the Director of Imperial Intelligence addressed rumors that Galvan, who has increasingly become paranoid and erratic, is an Imperial agent on a mission to destabilize the insurgent group. “Anyone with an understanding of the history of the rebellion and the heritage of the Rebel Alliance Intelligence service will be unsurprised  that they continue down a road of autocratic control, censoring activity in ways not seen since those of the Republic under Adam Hughes. However, we can confirm that Darcks is in fact not an Imperial agent. He simply exhibits totalitarian and anti-republican ideals that would make any Imperial proud. Should he ever achieve control of the Rebel Alliance we expect the further fragmentation of the rogue state and complete marginalization of the anti-Imperial bloc.”

Political analysts continue to monitor developments as the Alliance continues to devolve into a totalitarian oligarchy; governments and third-party institutions are advised to avoid political and economic engagements with the rebellion.

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