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Faerytail Intelligence Network Advisory
Posted by: Vladamiur Veselov, The Faerytail Family
Date: Year 24 Day 33 Onboard the MC-80b Star Cruiser TFF Triumph Attack Force in system Kashyyyk (210, 90).



Kashyyyk, Mytaranor Sector - The Director of Faerytail Intelliegence Network (FIN) has today issued a Level 3 Alert to all Agents following the recent public address by Imperial Intelligence. This alert was placed into effect requiring all agents take action to safeguard themselves in hostile zones. Likewise, local security forces within Faerytail space were briefed on the state of security within the government's control and local authorities were given tasks to increase the local force protection posture.

Agents within the Faerytail Intelligence Network whose duties encompass monitoring Rebel Alliance actions and communications have shown a dramatic uptick in information crackdowns. This siphoning and outright denied access to information is in an attempt to uncover the vast spying networks that have long plagued the rebel faction and its predecessors. The Imperial Intelligence GNS has caused underlying feelings of panic in the Rebel Alliance Intelligence (RAI) arm and the Rebel Alliance Advisory Council.  Rebel Alliance Intelligence has dramatically increased its counterintelligence operations following what has been called “An utter intelligence failure” by the uppermost levels of government for the Rebellion. Actions include but are not limited to increases in intercepting private data pad messages, electronic bugging of barracks and private residences. Rumors of abductions in the night by RAI operatives of the more outspoken members of the Rebel Alliance for enhanced interrogations abound. It is currently difficult to determine if these indicate an actual uptick or fall into the normal number of Black-Bag incidents that have long occurred in the Rebel Alliance.  These actions by RAI show the true nature of the Rebel Alliance which is in direct contrast to the official statement issued by Orion Chran just days ago to the “citizens'' of the Rebel Alliance in which he maliciously claimed that the Imperial Intelligence GNS was nothing more than “the latest propaganda from the Galactic Empire”.

Dramatic declarations by other high-ranking Rebel Alliance members, breaking protocol, have been issued in conversations all over Rebel circles.  General Darcks Galvan has gone so far as to attack officers whose judgment is “naive” and “unsuspecting”. These recent remarks certainly target recruits being viewed as impressionable and thus susceptible to joining the Imperial Union cause. A clear indication that the Rebellions leadership operates with an air of condescension.

Senior members of the Military such as High Marshal Larry Turner the Deputy Chief of Military Operations - have issued lists of approved members who can be approached to answer questions further threatening change and imposing the status quo within the Rebellion.  It is understood that Tye Walker, Ily Zacri, Davros Banesblade, and Rexan Traner have been tasked by Rebel Alliance leadership to spread propaganda to those in the Rebel Alliance who are beginning to question their place in the galaxy. Spies within the Alliance Intelligence reported that those who contact these approved members with questions will be added to lists of suspected covert intelligence agents and will be under increased surveillance and be red flagged for future promotions.

Martial Law

Frustrations of continued divisions surrounding the political and philosophical beliefs within the anti-Imperial Union bloc continue to surface as the Rebel Alliance pledged to support Zann Consortium clandestine operations for another year following the Empire’s press release. This funding arrangement comes out to nearly 10 billion credits in value between access to restricted military technology and hard credits. The Zann Consortium allegedly promised to use these funds to target Faerytail and the Empire, though FIN analysts believe the crime ring is likely to use these funds to further develop illicit drug operations. Rebel affiliates all echoed outrage after being briefed on the arrangement further straining the political standing of the rebellion as it continues in a downward spiral of character compromise in an attempt to cause even minor damage to the Imperial Union.

Zann Planet1


Director Vladamiur Veselov of the FIN issued this statement, “To all those who right now feel the weight of the Rebel Alliance boot on their necks know that there are those around you willing to facilitate your extraction.  There are those around you willing to lay down their lives for your escape.  While unnamed and unknown to you at this moment you will one day be saved.  Keep your spirits up, the Imperial Union Victory is near.”

Any rebel alliance members that desire immediate extraction for immediate fear of their lives are advised to contact the Director himself. In the meantime, The Faerytail Intelligence Network will continue to monitor the situation in joint operations with the Imperial Union’s intelligence apparatus.

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