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Outer Rim Holdem
Posted by: Ximaro Jix, Hutt Cartel
Date: Year 24 Day 138 Onboard the Bayonet-class Light Cruiser The Other Mauvais Dentes in system Drup (-73, -443).


In the outer rim system of Drup, a flying oddity which appears to be a holo projection screen floats through space blaring some kind of fast paced incoherent thumping music anyone in ear shot can't properly avoid listening to. Then a poster appears on the screen of the device and transmits an auditory message on replay.



Scum of the galaxy, we’re out here in space broadcasting to you on behalf of the Hutt Cartel, and its sponsors who want to ask you, if you ever wanted to play poker and win scads of credits? If so, the Cartel is giving you a chance to win hundreds of millions of credits and take some prizes home if you place in the tournament. That’s right, the winner will receive hundreds of millions. With a 25 million credit entry fee, folks have been lining up all around the galaxy, because it’s sure to be a showdown like no other at these tables. The place? The newly renovated casino and tavern ‘Scums Hideaway’ in the system of Drup and sector of Saijo. The Hideaway is your place to intoxicate yourself with the thrills of chance, black market purchases, slave trading and whatever else your foul heart desires. 


Be warned though, there are no sure thing in cards much like in your own existence. It’s ice in your veins and skill. It’s because of this, many will join, but almost all will fall. So, do you have what it takes? Not everyone is destined for greateness and even less have the cunning to suvive this place. 

Just wait though, the new leadership who control the Cartel want you to know that criminals will get 10 million credits off their entry fee. You heard that right: the cretins get discounts. They’re calling it an Outlaw’s Gambit. So, let them know and they'll see if you’re ‘their kind of scum.'

This message was brought to you by Hutt Cartel,your vice is their business.' 

The HC is affiliated with the Zann Consortium and assumes no liability for any injuries or death that may occur due to lawlessness inside or outside the operation. Patrons agree to enter the establishment on their own accord".

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Events in Brief
Year 25 Day 158: Lux Fabricato was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
Year 25 Day 158: There have been reports of Ithorians appearing on Trading I and Trading II stations as well as inside Powered Starports. The press is waiting for comments on these sudden appearances...
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Year 25 Day 158: Slaanesh Andromeda, the leader of Deep Space Shipwrights was replaced today by Sarai Andromeda Morbus.
Year 25 Day 158: Sarai Andromeda Morbus, the leader of Deep Space Trading was replaced today by Tyr Kratos.
Year 25 Day 157: The Wild Bunch was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
Year 25 Day 157: Port Nowhere was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
Year 25 Day 157: Olanji/Charubah was dissolved today.