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Welcome to the Galactic News Service
Inebriated and Narcotized
Posted by: Banquo Knox, Biotech
Date: Year 0 Day 1 Onboard the YT-510 Sorrow at galactic position (92, -65).
Behind a solid wooden desk sits a proud man, shrouded in happiness and a
fashionable pin stripe suit he toils away at his duties never once frowning
or letting his smile slip. As he scribes quietly attempting to make a dent
in his mountain of paper work he sighed contently, a life spent working for
a goal is a life spent well.

As the camera pans back slowly and the desk lamp brings light on the subject
you realise it isnt who you thought it was at all infact its someone completly
different, like you'd ever see our galaxies saviour working on paper work in
some cramped little office.

Blankly he pulled his eyes away from his duties and focused on the camera.

'I am Rayco Humes, chief medical officer onboard...'

You tend to lose interest as he starts to blubber on about his life history
and how proud he is to work for Biotech, sitting there quietly you just watch
him waffle on for a good ten minutes about how the galaxy would be a better
place if everyone got along.

With a sudden flash the screen distorts to a bright red and your speakers are
filled with an eary thud, slowly the picture returns to its original focus but
Mr Humes seems to be missing from his seat. Regaining your interest in all hopes
that the old bastard is dead you sit and watch attentivly, stroking your chin you
hum to yourself because it seems to be the popular thing to do.

With a whistle a new subject enters your view, casually he steps over the body of
the elderly man who had slid from his chair and landed comfortably onto the floor.

'I am Banquo Knox, the new leader of Biotech' Pausing for a moment he kicked his
feet up onto the back of the dead man using him as a foot rest, 'Natural causes,
I promise'
Once again he started to whistle this time averting his eyes from the

'The grave of life is getting deeper' His cold blue eyes re-focussing on the camera
'But we at Biotech are more then happy to help you stay out of that hole' Sharpening his grin he continued. 'What can I say, we only help... Never hurt' With that he let his feet slide from the top of the mans shoulders, stepping over the body once more he just wandered quietly out of the room.

'Natural causes'

#Narcotized (Biotech's IRC room)

[Main Page]
Events in Brief
Year 25 Day 175: Gadzooks! Scouts have discovered the system Arvala at location (330, -260).
Year 25 Day 175: CRITICAL UPDATE: Gasteroid impacts Ord Mantell, takes down shields, and leaves massive crater. It is reported that there were minimal casualties, and that rescue efforts are now underway. The government of Ord Mantell has declared an emergency.
Year 25 Day 175: Gasteroid’s economic and political situation has disintegrated into chaos, making it unclear who exactly is in charge - but it isn’t Quests.
Year 25 Day 175: With no one left who is willing to challenge their leadership or run for planetary office, Galactic Empire has now assumed complete control of Abregado-san.
Year 25 Day 175: With the brutal civil war that has consumed Abregado-san in recent months only escalating, most of the galaxy’s governments no longer recognize Galactic Empire as the planet’s ruling body.
Year 25 Day 175: Jabiim Consortium has been renamed to Menagerie. The press is still waiting for comments on the change.
Year 25 Day 174: BREAKING: Gasteroid has slipped between Geod'n and Diamxi. None dare predict where it will end up. Ord Mantell has raised its planetary shields to maximum power and Gasteroid authorities are starting a mass evacuation at D175 0:00.
Year 25 Day 174: Jarwen`faar Kruder, the leader of Jabiim Consortium was replaced today by Damyo Kruder.
Year 25 Day 173: Amidst the tremors and gravitational anomalies, Linkin Bark performed tonight on Gasteroid as a part of their Twin Suns tour for a record crowd of nearly 950 sentients, setting a new all-time record! Rumor has it that they are donating leaves as a reward for attending!
Year 25 Day 173: BREAKING: Astronomers have measured the changes in Gasteroid's velocity and course. The probability of a collision with Ord Mantell or one of its moons - Geod'n, Diamxi or Quantxi - is considered high. Authorities are not urging an evacuation yet...
Year 25 Day 172: After widespread accusations of corruption by Rebel Alliance in Clak'dor VI Remnants's elections, it is unclear who is the rightful leader of the world's government.