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The weakness of the Jedi
Posted by: Count Uebles, Galactic Empire
Date: Year 0 Day 1 Onboard the Nebulon-B Frigate HAS Bladesinger in system Coruscant.
*The image is that of lush vegetation and bright sunlight that filters, green and golden, through the foliage of ancient trees.
One could be fooled into thinking this striking, rural image is one of the tame woodlands of Alderaan or the gardens of Chandrila.
Instead it is right in the heart of Coruscant, on the higher terraces of the Imperial Palace that the Emperor can be seen, meditating in between this collection of rare and exquisite plants from all over the galaxy.
Dressed in a simple, ashen grey robe, he sits there, pondering his surroundings before raising his voice.*

Welcome to my little sanctum.

You may be suprised about the choice of surroundings for this adress.. or even why I do not turn into ashes in the sunlight...

*He smiles*

At least this is an image the Jedi strife to anchor into your heads for so long now. It is everywhere in their language and their attitudes. Sometimes subtle, more often quite blunt.
They are the "Light" ones, the "good" ones. They strife for the happiness of everyone, for the "enlightenment" and the benefit of all living...
In turn we - who do not accept their hollow views and creeds - are the "dark" ones, the evil ones, who strife only for their own personal benefit, to drown the universe in the darkness of fear and hatered.
With the airwaves of the Galaxy clogged by hysteric statements and bold propaganda of the Jedi and their puppets, it seems to be time to clear a few things up, to rip away some veils of misinformation and outright lies.
So what is the truth?
Are the Jedi the "good" people? Are they working only for the betterment of the others? Do they use their great power only in an altruistic manner?
I think their acts speak for themselfes. This allegedly "wayward" young Jedi hardly is the exception like they want you to believe, more the rule.
Since the "Republic" they built and forced upon everyone crombled under its own corruption and decadence, the remnants of what once was the Jedi Order - and that ceased to exist in the same moment as its regime crumbled - lead the lifes of murders, criminals and terrorists. Where are the examples where they help end suffering in any way? Where are the Jedi, battling crime, freeing slaves, educating the masses, feeding the hungry and sheltering the freightened?
There are none! Instead we see Jedi sheltering criminals, aiding murderers and stealing from the people they are sworn to protect.
The Jedi creed, this epitome of weakness and hypocrisy long since has lost the last tiny fragments of credibility that it might have still possessed in the past.
And the "Dark" side? We accepted this monicker as a badge of honour, as a sign that we are no part of this charade that are the Jedi. The "Dark" side is called the way of deceit and subterfuge by the Jedi elders, that cling to their waning power, freightened of any change of the status quo, of their personal influence, freightened of their youngers, that want to free themselfes.
Instead the Dark Side is truthful. It is about uncovering and tapping into your own potential. It is about discovering and conquering your own limits. Is this egoistic? As much as all evolution is.
Nature itself shows us the way. Those who are bettering themselfes are the ones who survive and thrive. And thus bettering everything around them. Either others can keep pace, or they loose their evolutional niche. Everyone has a chance, but you must use it - yourself! Nature knows no aid nor pity for the weak or the unworthy. It knows no rules and restrictions that shield those who occupy a place in life that they cannot claim or defend themselfes after they have outgrown their infancy.
Is the Lion evil, that kills a young Leopard to ensure his packs survival?
The Jedi want to keep you in the state of eternal children. Unable and unwilling to decide yourself and shape your own destiny. They want a quiet and castrated mass that they can easily rule with nice words and the occasional bit of candy. Pampered and patronized you will be, but free? Never.
I might kill your body in a whim, because I have the power and the will to do so - a Jedi will kill your soul and pretend to do it for your own good.
You have the choice, because we gave you one when we took the right to choose from the Jedis hands. And ever since they hate us like nothing else in the universe, because we stand for what they fear most: The freedom to shape ones own destiny.
Use this power wisely, it is the most potent power a being can ever hope to wield.

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Events in Brief
Year 25 Day 175: Gadzooks! Scouts have discovered the system Arvala at location (330, -260).
Year 25 Day 175: CRITICAL UPDATE: Gasteroid impacts Ord Mantell, takes down shields, and leaves massive crater. It is reported that there were minimal casualties, and that rescue efforts are now underway. The government of Ord Mantell has declared an emergency.
Year 25 Day 175: Gasteroid’s economic and political situation has disintegrated into chaos, making it unclear who exactly is in charge - but it isn’t Quests.
Year 25 Day 175: With no one left who is willing to challenge their leadership or run for planetary office, Galactic Empire has now assumed complete control of Abregado-san.
Year 25 Day 175: With the brutal civil war that has consumed Abregado-san in recent months only escalating, most of the galaxy’s governments no longer recognize Galactic Empire as the planet’s ruling body.
Year 25 Day 175: Jabiim Consortium has been renamed to Menagerie. The press is still waiting for comments on the change.
Year 25 Day 174: BREAKING: Gasteroid has slipped between Geod'n and Diamxi. None dare predict where it will end up. Ord Mantell has raised its planetary shields to maximum power and Gasteroid authorities are starting a mass evacuation at D175 0:00.
Year 25 Day 174: Jarwen`faar Kruder, the leader of Jabiim Consortium was replaced today by Damyo Kruder.
Year 25 Day 173: Amidst the tremors and gravitational anomalies, Linkin Bark performed tonight on Gasteroid as a part of their Twin Suns tour for a record crowd of nearly 950 sentients, setting a new all-time record! Rumor has it that they are donating leaves as a reward for attending!
Year 25 Day 173: BREAKING: Astronomers have measured the changes in Gasteroid's velocity and course. The probability of a collision with Ord Mantell or one of its moons - Geod'n, Diamxi or Quantxi - is considered high. Authorities are not urging an evacuation yet...
Year 25 Day 172: After widespread accusations of corruption by Rebel Alliance in Clak'dor VI Remnants's elections, it is unclear who is the rightful leader of the world's government.