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A Knight, a Companion and an Officer
Posted by: Bisz Aldaris, Falleen Federation
Date: Year 0 Day 1 Onboard the Defense Station FF Space Control in system Falleen.

The Office of the King of Falleen released this brief transcript earlier today. It is a transcript of a ceremony that took place earlier today on the Falleen homeworld. King Bisz Aldaris invested the first Knight of the new Order of the Noblest Rukhar as well as the first Companion and Officer of the new Legion of Honour. To find out more about the Order and the Legion access the Federation database at www.avidgamers.com/ffcc.

King Bisz Aldaris> Ok, so, without delay I would like to ask Phil Jones to step forward.
King Bisz Aldaris> In my many years I have seen many people start things, but few of them finish them, you are one of the few I have seen who carries through the responsibilities you take on.
* PhilJones stepping forward
* King Bisz Aldaris draws his sword
King Bisz Aldaris> please kneel
* Max_Fors stands still
* PhilJones kneels before the king
King Bisz Aldaris> I invest you as a Knight of the Noblest Order of the Rukhar, please say the oath in front of these witnesses.
* King Bisz Aldaris taps Phil on the shoulder with the blade
PhilJones> I Phil Jones do solemnly swear total allegiance to the King of Falleen and the Falleen people.
PhilJones> As a Knight of the Order of the Noblest Rukhar I take upon myself the responsibility of safeguarding the Falleen Crown against all those who would strike it down. I take upon myself the responsibility of preserving the Confederation of Falleen Noble Clans in the face of all adversity that it may face. This I swear to do with my will, my blood, my very life. So help me Kiyorath Dhin.
King Bisz Aldaris> Rise, Sir Phil, and Congratulations.
* PhilJones stands up
King Bisz Aldaris> Next, Minister Max Fors
* PhilJones stands aside
King Bisz Aldaris> You have lead the Rebel Alliance with dignity and intelligence, now you apply your skills to the betterment of the Falleen Federation.
King Bisz Aldaris> You are my brother in Clan Mindano, and it is my privilege to invest you as a Companion of the Legion of Honour.
King Bisz Aldaris> please kneel and say the oath
* Max_Fors steps forward
* Max_Fors kneels
* King Bisz Aldaris taps Max on the shoulder with the blade
Max_Fors> I Max Fors do solemnly swear total allegiance to the King of Falleen and the Falleen people.
Max_Fors> As a Companion of the Legion of Honour I take upon myself the responsibility of safeguarding the Falleen Crown against all those who would strike it down. I take upon myself the responsibility of preserving the Confederation of Falleen Noble Clans in the face of all adversity that it may face. This I swear to do with my will, my blood, my very life. So help me Kiyorath Dhin.
King Bisz Aldaris> Rise, Lord Fors, and Congratulations.
* Max_Fors rises and smiles
King Bisz Aldaris> Last, the Ta'Shir of Clan Mindano, High Admiral of the Alliance Navy, Phymp
* Phymp steps forward
King Bisz Aldaris> I invest you as an Officer of the Legion of Honour, please kneel and say the oath.
* Phymp kneels
* King Bisz Aldaris taps Phymp on the shoulder with the blade
Phymp> I Phymp do solemnly swear total allegiance to the King of Falleen and the Falleen people. As an Officer of the Legion of Honour I take upon myself the responsibility of safeguarding the Falleen Crown against all those who would strike it down.
Phymp> I will never cease to support the King while he is alive and exult his name after death. I take upon myself the responsibility of preserving the Confederation of Falleen Noble Clans in the face of all adversity that it may face.
Phymp> I will never stop upholding the values of the Federation so long as it endures and will never cease to re-ignite them should they ever fail. This I swear to do with all my will, my blood, my very life. So help me Kiyorath Dhin.
King Bisz Aldaris> Rise, Lord Phymp, and Congratulations.
* Phymp rises
* Max_Fors claps hands
Julian> congrats
King Bisz Aldaris> Thank you all for witnessing this ceremony, and congratulations again, Sir Phil Jones, Max Lord Fors and Lord Phymp.
* Phymp congratulates Fors
Spooks> congrats to all of you
* Bengro nods and applauds
Bengro> congrats all
Shae_Briston> oh and congrads....

We here at the Falleen News Network would like to congratulate these distinguished persons. Congratulations Sir Phil Jones, Lord Max Fors and Lord Phymp.

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