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Welcome to the Galactic News Service
Snake in the Corner
Posted by: Corran Terrik, Crimson Fleet
Date: Year 0 Day 1 Onboard the YT-1300 The Crimson Rose at galactic position (-257, 264).
*Corran Terrik is seen sitting in front of a desk, his face stern, not his usual jolly self*

"Hello beings of Corellia, Socorria, and all of the Galaxy. I come to you today to point out a theif and a lier with absolutley no morals. New to this galaxy, Tad Ekam, has chosen the path of... well stupidity. He has attempted to lie to my fellow beings about myself, and he has stolen a small insignificant ammount of money from me. He will pay dearly for what he has done. I have not been the best person in this galaxy. I have been known to steal, and lie, and cheat. But never have i dishonored those who had put there trust in me. I do not come to you, the sentients of the galaxy, today asking for much energy, all i ask is that you ignore this Wookiee. Tad Ekam is a lier, a kniving snake who has been backed into a corner and poised in the strike position."

*Corrans look turns into a cold stare*

"Tad Ekam, you have made your last mistake; I am your mongoose."

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Events in Brief
Year 25 Day 164: The popular band Linkin Bark has announced they will be performing live aboard the Bafforr Jubilee on Year 25 Day 166 in the Docking Bay. Admission will be free.
Year 25 Day 164: The popular band Linkin Bark has announced they will be performing live aboard the Bafforr Jubilee on Year 25 Day 166 in the Docking Bay. Admission will be free.
Year 25 Day 164: Black Hawk Defense was dissolved today.
Year 25 Day 163: The citizenry of Atraken C today welcomed a new regime. Sons of Turul successfully convinced inhabitants that they can lead the world to prosperity.
Year 25 Day 162: Voracity Aesculapian was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
Year 25 Day 162: Zeet-ish`Tchizik was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.