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Welcome to the Galactic News Service
The Imperial Information Minister
Posted by: Reajiad Nero, Jedi Praxium
Date: Year 5 Day 136 Onboard the Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser JP Zaibach at galactic position (106, 162).
All about the Galaxy, citizens have been found laughing at the statement made by Frank Bach, who has become dubbed "The Imperial Information Minister". He was quotes stating that there was in fact no explosion in Coruscant.

In other news, in a scan of the festivities hall, it seems there has been no lasting damage. Heavy construction was seen from a distance however, proving without doubt that there has in fact been at least some damage.

"If Frank Bach thinks he can get off saying there was no explosion on Coruscant, despite there being several witnesses, it would be okay for us to say that, in fact, no single shot has been fired on Tatooine," says Reajiad Nero, leader of the Jedi Praxium.

Many jokes have begun to circulate reguarding this Imperial Information Minister and his foolish insistence of no real activity occuring in Coruscant. This only adds to the good cheer felt by those who rebel against the Galactic Empire due to the upcoming one-year anniversary of the Emperor Uebles, who has brought great prosperity to the Rebel Alliance and other groups through his policies, or lack thereof.

Indeed, it is a time of good cheer and laughter in the Galaxy.

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Events in Brief
Year 25 Day 164: The popular band Linkin Bark has announced they will be performing live aboard the Bafforr Jubilee on Year 25 Day 166 in the Docking Bay. Admission will be free.
Year 25 Day 164: Black Hawk Defense was dissolved today.
Year 25 Day 163: The citizenry of Atraken C today welcomed a new regime. Sons of Turul successfully convinced inhabitants that they can lead the world to prosperity.
Year 25 Day 162: Voracity Aesculapian was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
Year 25 Day 162: Zeet-ish`Tchizik was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.