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Welcome to the Galactic News Service
Viral Infection
Posted by: Frank Bach, Galactic Empire
Date: Year 5 Day 138 Onboard the YV-666 MJ-12 Spookie at galactic position (134, -32).
(please download http://home.comcast.net/~manny.flores/catvirus.wav)

** Holovids flicker once more around the galaxy and come to life revealing the Seal of the Empire **

** The Seal quickly fades to reveal a medical room somewhere on Coruscant. An Imperial medical officer is seen checking over an unidentified citizen. The camera switches to the office of the Chief Medical Officer of the campus, Dr. Crab. Stood with him is Frank Bach **


[Main Page]
Events in Brief
Year 25 Day 164: The popular band Linkin Bark has announced they will be performing live aboard the Bafforr Jubilee on Year 25 Day 166 in the Docking Bay. Admission will be free.
Year 25 Day 164: Black Hawk Defense was dissolved today.
Year 25 Day 163: The citizenry of Atraken C today welcomed a new regime. Sons of Turul successfully convinced inhabitants that they can lead the world to prosperity.
Year 25 Day 162: Voracity Aesculapian was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
Year 25 Day 162: Zeet-ish`Tchizik was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.