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Welcome to the Galactic News Service
Imperial Government declares war on thievery and piracy
Posted by: Gunther von Esling, Galactic Empire
Date: Year 5 Day 169 Onboard the Nebulon-B Frigate Bladesinger in system Sartinayian.
Ladies, gentlemen and lesser lifeforms of the Imperial Galaxy,

In spite of the Empire's continued efforts and successes in suppressing the civil uprising, the Emperor has not lost sight of the many other matters of Imperial State that require His attention. One of these matters is the protection of traders throughout Imperial Space from known thieves.

His Imperial Majesty has ordered that a new Imperial body would protect those people in His Galaxy who are trying to make an honest living: the Imperial Trade Authority. Director Michael Pangborn and his staff will register and keep track of those traders who indeed want to make an honest living:

Those who commit breach of contract, theft or perjury should not and will not be able to enjoy their personal gains.

** The transmission switches to a view of Kessel, the picture zooms in very quickly, with some parts of the screen being digitally obscured to prevent the leaking of security measures.
The view now shows a line of six men and women, chained together by the ankles. They are obviously in some sort of a mine shaft. A pair of Imperial troopers walk past, blasters in hand. A third trooper stands nearby, wielding an electro-whip. He seems to be yelling something, but the voice doesn't carry far enough for you to hear. In the background you see many more lines of six lifeforms, obviously working. The prisoners seem to hear, though, and one looks up. His clothing is clean and uncut, compared to the other five. His mouth opens and his eyes show defiance. Until the whip cracks.
He, too, picks up a tool and starts mining again. The view fades. **

However miserable, these thieves were able to breathe and feed; to live. We have a fate far worse in store for those who seek nothing but plunder, rape and murder: pirates. Pirates will be taken quick care of.

** The transmission switches to the back of a man on a high balcony overlooking Uebles Square, Coruscant, Sesswenna. He is flanked by men in red robes, standing perfectly still. The square itself shows an execution platform, which has obviously not been removed since the previous executions. In fact, it is being reinforced into something of a more permanent nature.
The man on the balcony raises his right fist. The crowd on Uebles Square goes silent. You see movement on the platform below. He extends his thumb from his fist, it is pointing left. He moves the thumb downwards. The crowd erupts in screams and cheers. More movement on the platform.
The man on the balcony turns and walks away. In a flash you saw the face of Emperor Vodo Bonias. He is followed out by the Praetorian Guard and the view quickly zooms in on the execution platform. Three bodies hang still from a rope, a fourth is still jerking and struggling. The unfortunate soul's hands are tied behind his back and there is little he can do... **

The Empire has ordered the capture, dead or alive, of the following men, women and/or aliens. COMPNOR will reward those who present the person or body with the rewards as mentioned:

- Avatar Voidrunner, 50 million Imperial Credits
- Every Jedi, 30 million Imperial Credits
- Every Malebranch member, 20 million Imperial Credits
- Black Sun criminals, 15 million Imperial Credits

In addition, information on thieves that leads tot their capture and/or death is worth 10 million Imperial Credits. Turn to your nearest Imperial office if you have questions or for the collection of mentioned bounties.

In the meanwhile, the Imperial Navy will continue to escort Imperial convoys and patrol the tradelanes. Also, in joint operations with the Imperial Army, known pirate nests will be tracked down and annihilated. The Emperor has ordered the Imperial Military Staff, under the leadership of Lord Admiral Tj, to discourage piracy by any means necessary. The Lord Admiral has declared to "drop the hammer on piracy".

The Emperor wishes naught but an orderly, peaceful society: "We will hunt down all pirates, thieves and scallywags"

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Events in Brief
Year 25 Day 174: BREAKING: Gasteroid has slipped between Geod'n and Diamxi. None dare predict where it will end up. Ord Mantell has raised its planetary shields to maximum power and Gasteroid authorities are starting a mass evacuation at D175 0:00.
Year 25 Day 174: Jarwen`faar Kruder, the leader of Jabiim Consortium was replaced today by Damyo Kruder.
Year 25 Day 173: Amidst the tremors and gravitational anomalies, Linkin Bark performed tonight on Gasteroid as a part of their Twin Suns tour for a record crowd of nearly 950 sentients, setting a new all-time record! Rumor has it that they are donating leaves as a reward for attending!
Year 25 Day 173: BREAKING: Astronomers have measured the changes in Gasteroid's velocity and course. The probability of a collision with Ord Mantell or one of its moons - Geod'n, Diamxi or Quantxi - is considered high. Authorities are not urging an evacuation yet...
Year 25 Day 172: After widespread accusations of corruption by Rebel Alliance in Clak'dor VI Remnants's elections, it is unclear who is the rightful leader of the world's government.
Year 25 Day 172: BREAKING: Astronomers are reporting to the Galactic Science Committee that the moon Gasteroid in the Bright Jewel System seems to be moving. Stay tuned for more updates!
Year 25 Day 172: Officials are receiving reports of tremors, gravitational anomalies and sinkholes from all over Gasteroid. Residents of Gasteroid note that they feel heavier and that walking anywhere takes significantly more effort than before. Scientists are researching these anomalies...
Year 25 Day 171: Authorities have declared a state of emergency on Gasteroid, setting up a blood drive in the Infested Research Centre and asking ANYONE who hasn't donated a sample of their blood to do so.