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Liberty Medical Center: galactic conference
Posted by: Samweis, Liberty Medical Center
Date: Year 5 Day 189 Onboard the YT-510 LMCS Alfons in system Lekua.
*A conference has been announced, to give answers to the questioning rumors, a great assembly hall is filled with representatives from all over the galaxy, incertitude and unrest dominates.*

*Then, a small qiraash steps up the podium*


Gentle beings, citizens of the galaxy,

we have recently witnessed the imperial occupation of another proud world,'Thyferra'. Since ages it has been the vital pool of life within our galaxy, providing medical supplies to every single people and peoples. Now its streaming veins are cut, infested by the harsh intervention of those who doesnt really care for any well-being at all.

The peacefull and sedulus people of the vratix race have lost their freedom, many are enslaved, those who resisted have fallen. The Empire has taken control over their lives to exploit their seemless skills in the processing of Alazhi, for only one purpose, to betray all other worlds and to prevent further medical support of many in need.

The once free bacta for all of you has become infested by the dark intentions of tyranny. Never again it will flow, never again it will be possible to treat and heal the many who withstand their dictation. By the recent occupation many will experience the loss of breath, the loss of life and not support as propaganda insists.

The Empire might offer bacta, but we have to warn you, that it will be a vicious gift. Its not meant to help, its made out of blood of the noble vratix. The Empire will not use it to prevent any loss of blood, they will rather use it for the further rejection of health.

*A small break follows*

We cannot accept this situation and have started to develop the 'bacta council' a commitee to process the immense re-orientation. We offer invitation to all who need support, the council consists of all major Medical Organisations and delegates from the governments as well as all other factions.

All interested factions can receive contact information at: lmc.freeurl.com or directly at bacta_council@hotmail.com or bacta_council@web.de.

*The qiraash again faces the audience, looking concerned.*

I speak in behalf of many caring and medical organisations, Whatever will happen, you and your friends can always rely on us.

We have been your first choice and we will never abandon your needs.

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Events in Brief
Year 25 Day 154: Citizens of Skip Two go to the polls this week in a referendum vote that is projected to remove Smugglers Incorporated from leadership. The world's future after the vote is still unclear.
Year 25 Day 154: Partisans is now widely recognized as the most likely to stabilize the situation on Mek va Uil, and has been offered aid and recognition by most of the galaxy's major powers.
Year 25 Day 153: After a landslide vote of no confidence, Partisans is no longer the ruling body on Mek va Uil.
Year 25 Day 153: Sanctuary Prime has been renamed to Partisans. The press is still waiting for comments on the change.
Year 25 Day 153: Pentastar Alignment has been renamed to Echani Dominion. The press is still waiting for comments on the change.
Year 25 Day 153: The Ragnar Syndicate has been renamed to The Wild Bunch. The press is still waiting for comments on the change.
Year 25 Day 153: UMC Inc was dissolved today.
Year 25 Day 151: Trilon Inc. was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.