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Political News
Hacked by: Bork Shalas, Son-tuul Pride
Date: Year 25 Day 217
Breaking the Galactic Chains! This is the Rogue Frequency, your source for untold stories.


In response to the recent expansion of the Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS) into sectors neighboring Morobe, the Son-Tuul Pride has an...

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Who Does Not Want Peace, And For Why?
Posted by: Xanxus Drol, Crimson Dawn
Date: Year 25 Day 203


Crimson Dawn has negotiated for the release of Corvo Skarn, who made headlines several times in the last year as a captive of Son-Tuul Pride. Despite a shrinking public opinion that Crimson Dawn is somehow direc...

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Crimson Dawn Welcomes Smugglers Alliance to Glom Tho
Posted by: Xanxus Drol, Crimson Dawn
Date: Year 25 Day 190

In a significant development for the people of Glom Tho, its government Crimson Dawn has announced its absorption of the Smugglers Alliance. This strategic move brings the two groups under one banner. 


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Hacked by: Hatori Hoorl, The Restored Empire
Date: Year 25 Day 156

Recently Vanguard Network has launched an investigation into The Pentastar Alignment, also known as TPA.

At the heart of this unfolding scandal lies a seri...

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The Dark Confederacy Ascends
Hacked by: Bork Shalas, Son-tuul Pride
Date: Year 25 Day 146
Breaking the Galactic Chains! This is the Rogue Frequency, your source for untold stories.

In another shake-up, the Brotherhood of Darkness and the Black Nebula Corsairs have officially joined forces with the Son-Tuul Pride bandit confederacy,...

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Avance Stands!
Posted by: Ogban Orineddi, Czerka Corporation
Date: Year 25 Day 140

A news anchor looks at the screen and says, "In our next story, officials from several corporations and Houses associated with the former Avance Coalition have announced the re-formation of that alliance after a recent summit on Cerea that inclu...

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The Morobe Amalgamation
Hacked by: Bork Shalas, Son-tuul Pride
Date: Year 25 Day 135
Breaking the Galactic Chains! This is the Rogue Frequency, your source for untold stories.

From the abyss of despair to the salvation of the wicked, an old organization has emerged from the darkness: the Knights of Ren. Formerly known as Ren H...

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And so, the cycle continues.
Hacked by: Crueya Vandron, The Resistance
Date: Year 25 Day 126

Do you know when the Galactic Empire is rattled? I mean -- panicked, desparate, really rattled?

Publicity. You see, for the Empire, there's no such thing as good publicity. Yet here we are. Two galaxy-wide broadcasts within a week, and a p...

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The Betrayal: Unveiling The Restored Empire's Deception
Posted by: Elaine von Veritrax, Galactic Empire
Date: Year 25 Day 124

Tanjay (INB) - In a direct public address, Imperial Intelligence officials have issued a statement on the recent defections of a small number of personnel, offering the galaxy a glimpse behind the facade of the group who have taken to calling them...

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The New Order With A Personal Face
Hacked by: Duthel Drolve, The Restored Empire
Date: Year 25 Day 122

Coruscant (RENB) - In a stunning move two days ago the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Military, Lord Admiral Hatori Hoorl, and the entirety of Imperial Military Command have broken away from the Gala...

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What Price Pride?
Posted by: Marcus Elensar, Galactic Empire
Date: Year 25 Day 121

Kuat (INB) - Yesterday evening, in a planned operation, Imperial security personnel forced the hand of a group of disloyal officers surrounding the former Supreme Commander of the Imperial Military, Hatori Hoorl. Hoorl ...

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Who Are the Whisperer's Network?
Posted by: Bram Dupol, The Whisperers Network
Date: Year 25 Day 94

Who Are the Whisperer's Network?



Simply put The Whisperer's Network is a News Network whose aim is to bring News to t...

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Muted in the Shadows: Son-Tuul Pride Captures Key Figure in Smugglers Alliance
Hacked by: Bork Shalas, Son-tuul Pride
Date: Year 25 Day 77
Breaking the Galactic Chains! This is the Rogue Frequency, your source for untold stories.

In the dim recesses of the galactic underworld, where secrets intertwine with shadows, a seismic event has shaken the clandestine landscape. Corvo Skarn...

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Shadows of Son-tuul
Posted by: Bork Shalas, Son-tuul Pride
Date: Year 25 Day 32

Breaking the Galactic Chains! This is the Rogue Frequency, your source for the untold stories of the galaxy. Today's headline: 'Rise of the Shadows of Son-tuul.'

In the heart of the Mor...

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Independece Amidst Negative Diplomacy
Hacked by: Xanxus Drol, Crimson Dawn
Date: Year 25 Day 16


Hevvrol Sector, Glom Tho System, Planet Glom Tho - Since day 333 of year 24, the one time Zann Consortium controlled Crimson Dawn has been independent of the government, granted said independence and the territo...

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Fractured Loyalties: The Rebellion's Internal Struggle for Unity and Control
Posted by: Elaine von Veritrax, Galactic Empire
Date: Year 24 Day 362

Tanjay (INB) - Today Imperial Intelligence officials departed from their usual clandestine operations to openly discuss a growing rift within the Rebel Alliance's Military and Intelligence forces. Recent upheavals, notably the dismissal of Larry T...

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Faerytail Intelligence Network Advisory
Posted by: Vladamiur Veselov, The Faerytail Family
Date: Year 24 Day 353

Chamble, Mytaranor Sector - The Director of Faerytail Intelligence Network (FIN) has today issued a Level 4 Alert to all Agents in Rebel Alliance controlled territory following the ongoing uprising within the rouge organization. This alert was pla...

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The Antarian Rangers Announce New Mercenary Branch!
Posted by: Jon Petrik, Chars Antarian Ranger Security Enforcers
Date: Year 24 Day 348

Greetings, citizens of the galaxy! My name is Jaina Kestrel, and I am thrilled to be joining The Antarian Advocate as its lead reporter. For those of you who may not be familiar with our organization, The Antarian Ranger...

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The Shadow Horde Emerges: A New Galactic Threat
Posted by: Bork Shalas, The Shadow Horde
Date: Year 24 Day 344

In a momentous turn of events, the galaxy bears witness to the rise of a formidable power known as the "Shadow Horde." Daimyo Bork Shalas, of the Zann Consortium, conjured this enigmatic force into existence. Once solely comprised...

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A New Era Dawns as Zann Consortium's Leadership Transitions
Hacked by: Nat N`ightshade, Zann Consortium
Date: Year 24 Day 310

In a planned transition of power, the Zann Consortium, known for its enigmatic and influential presence in the galaxy's underworld, has witnessed a significant change in leadership. Kyota Navic “Kentu”, the former Krestviniic (Crime Lord) who has ...

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