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Malice in Wonderland
Posted by: Zao Nephalem, ExGal
Date: Year 9 Day 70 From the Skyscraper 100 flats Avance Animal House in Avance control on Corvanni IV (-309, -197) on Year 9 Day 69 14:51.

Malice in Wonderland

(Independent investigative reporter Woodward N. Bernstein, assigned to cover a routine story, starts digging and uncovers a scandalous story of theft and betrayal.)

Bad Bad Boy

Part 3 of a series.

   The virtually unknown Red Star Alliance were flexing their muscles far and wide, issuing declarations of war on behalf of the Galactic Alliance and engaging in a spree of terrorism and murder against civilians all over Elrood sector, regardless of citizenship. Ailon Nova Guard's response to threats of war by Kurami Jankov was succinct and to the point. "Nuts," said Prime Minister Teyacapan Quetzalxochitl. But what did the Falleen Federation and New Republic have to say? Did the Galactic Alliance countenance this criminal behavior? Would they really be going to war against hitherto neutral governments solely because they offered governmental management of eXiles' territory? Would the Alliance attack eXiles because they hadn't asked RSA's permission to build on their own planets?

   The next message was from Falleen Federation Minister Rick Farlander "This has caught us way offguard," said Farlander. He then presented an official statement from Regent of the Crown Lord Tigris Ninx. "The Falleen Federation continues to maintain an absolute peace with the eXiles group and looks forward to positive business relations with the group and its affiliates far into the future." Regarding any other claims of authority to speak for the FF, Lord Ninx said "RSA, though a friend of the Federation, does not speak for nor set the foreign policy of the Falleen."

   The New Republic's Minister of Culture Gawayne then contacted me and confirmed that there was no official treaty between NR and RSA. "There was an [earlier] agreement there in which Kurami failed completely to uphold his side," he said. He then stated that there is a current debate about whether to enter a new alliance with the RSA. "I knew he'd do some shit like this. I just didn't expect it this quick or something this serious."

   He then patched me through to Senator and Minister of Trade & Industry Zeff Traner. "'Bullshit' is a good official stance" said Traner, "if anyone is to be at war with the NR, they will know about it from us." Traner cleared his throat and continued "Well, for a more diplomatic statement, the NR has not declared war on any of these groups, nor will we unless given Just cause. Kurami and RSA has only the authority to speak for himself and RSA, not for the NR, FF, or the Galactic Alliance as a whole. These statements are not true, nor have they even been presented to the NR beforehand."

   As Jankov's alleged allies moved to distance themselves from RSA's unprovoked belligerence and terrorism in the Elrood sector, Admiral Jesfa Ackmin of the Bounty Hunters Guild, looking ready to spit fire, sent an expletive-laced message. "He stole Yamr from me. We had a deal, then he went back on it. I tried helping him, and what do I get? A knife in the back," said Ackmin. "I just spoke with the NR and FF about Kurami's bullshit move. Neither are happy with RSA robbing me." He angrily cut the connection, leaving me somewhat bemused.

   Clearly, Jankov's declarations of war were illicit and unsanctioned by RSA's erstwhile allies. Equally clear, nobody took Jankov's threats seriously. At the same time, they were universally upset at being threatened, no matter how impotent the threat.

   As I investigated further, more and more claims of theft, deceit and treachery emerged. People who had maintained silence for years began coming forward and making statements on the record. Kurami Jankov seemed to have quite a checkered past; a past which stained both Nova Industries and RSA. Adam A. Flynn of Black Sun flatly accused Jankov of stealing Nova Industries, and solid evidence pointed to the formation of RSA being funded by Eidolan and Falleen funds.

   It seemed the deeper I dug, the more tangled the web became.

Correction: In part 1 of this series, Red Star Alliance's obscurity and criminal activity led to a confusing mixture of their name with that of the criminal Black Sun organisation. We apologise to Black Sun for the error.

To be continued...

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Events in Brief
Year 25 Day 147: Mining Guild Authority was dissolved today.