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Hand of God - Exclusive report **Holy War**
Posted by: Thraken Solo, Order of Krath
Date: Year 5 Day 272 Onboard the XL-7000 Battleship
And then the lord did grin, and did layeth out Eidola upon his palm and said, "Let thou not have the time of day, I deleteth thy bidding upon this land as one clears a character nuisance from thine MMORPG."

The above was an implied message delevered via the holonet by an unknown entity that completely wiped out the pirate faction Eidola's agenda for the upcoming fiscal year. In an effort to disburse a remarkable budget gap, Teniel Djo issued a press release supporting fledgling bounty hunting guilds throughout the galaxy. In an effort to spur the lethargic contract-killing industry the CEO of Eidola offered monetary rewards for a number of contracts throughout the galaxy.

In a display of flagrant contempt for the pirate groups sovereignity and right to protect their freedom by issuing bounties on potential enemies, one or more gods allegedly 'wiped Eidola's slate clean.' The radical religious group Allisma claims the work to be the doing of Ara, their god. They claim that it is the first of many acts mean to purify the galaxy of all evil and destroy those who refuse to conform to the ways of the galaxy.

A vision by a radical religious cleric was painstakingly imprinted upon canvas by an artist using the cleric's descriptions during a trance he was in. We at the GNS have obtained exclusive rights to use this image in our "Hand of God" report.


The cleric, a disciple of Ara, claims that wanton destruction of all non-conforming entities is the will of god, and will be carried out by god's right-hand man. He submitted a comment to our reporter before having our man summarily executed. "This is only a taste of what is to come. Deny the bidding of your master and you too shall be treated as such. The left hand of god will destroy you."

Eidola's CEO has issued a memo to her employee's stating that plans were in the process of being implemented to balance the forces of god and keep their current profit margins. Seeking an alternate venue for publication of contract killings, Eidola may go to the Galactic Empire, who's bounties have never been effected by the hand of god, for assistance.

As a follow-up to these remarkable events of late, the Order of Krath has issued a declaration of war in an attempt to get special treatment from the gods when the spoils of war are distributed.


Grand Archduke Thraken Solo commented "In this time of our galaxies greatest need, those few who would beg at the heels of god and endure what belittling may fall upon them may survive unscathed. My policy has always been to shoot first and ask questions later. If indeed supernatural forces are at work here, I want to be in the upper echelons of the chain of command. We feel that by declaring holy war upon the heretic Djo, we may well come out on top in the end. History shows that those who sided with the opposition of the Santage family traditionally win out in the end, as the case where Teniel's father, Keir, was killed in an unfortunate battle against a far weaker force. We believe there may have been 'hand of god' intervention in that case as well. If so, then history has a good chance of repeating itself now. So let it be written, so let it be done."

That is all we have for this GNS exclusive! Tune in later for more news about the latest divine interventions. We can't guarentee that they will air for very long, but we will do our best. This is Natalya Partilov, see you next time.

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Events in Brief
Year 25 Day 160: Ithorians have opened HerdFest. Please keep on the grass!
Year 25 Day 159: Walalla Trade Route was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
Year 25 Day 159: Tapani Starship Cooperative was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
Year 25 Day 159: The popular band Linkin Bark is rumoured to be making an appearance during the Herd Meet. Reporters are trying to validate these claims.
Year 25 Day 159: Reports show that the Ithorians appearing everywhere have brought some plants with them. Perhaps as a sign of why they are truly here?
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Year 25 Day 158: Tyr Kratos, the leader of Deep Space Trading was replaced today by Sarai Andromeda Morbus.
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Year 25 Day 158: Slaanesh Andromeda, the leader of Deep Space Shipwrights was replaced today by Sarai Andromeda Morbus.
Year 25 Day 158: Sarai Andromeda Morbus, the leader of Deep Space Trading was replaced today by Tyr Kratos.
Year 25 Day 157: The Wild Bunch was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
Year 25 Day 157: Port Nowhere was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.