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The actual story
Posted by: Teniel Djo, Eidola
Date: Year 5 Day 338 Onboard the YV-666 Gr
The GNS received this rebuttal early this morning, from Teniel Djo, the one who killed Victor von Ismay

Xanathar had nothing to do with it, he didn't even know who was going to be killed until about 5 minutes before Victor actually died, he spent the days leading up to it begging me to tell him and I refused.

Kicked out of Eidola and Malebranche for being an arrogant cad, Xanathar suffers from severe envy and tries to take credit for things others did, in the hopes of appeasing his ePride.

Despite his GNS post on day 280 (Check the GNS archives) stating that he would never allow the Eidola "scum" or anybody to have any privileges to arrest/execute out-of-faction people, or abuse any facet of the bounty-hunting trade, he readily agreed last week to sell me the privilege in exchange for a million credits, showing how truly desparate he is.

Of course the funniest part is that he never even got paid his bribe, since I negotiated him into accepting payment after Victor von Ismay had been proven dead, at which point I must admit I saw no need to pay Xanathar for his greed and lack of integrity.

Xanathar has a long history of being kicked out of factions and booted around the galaxy, a reputation not unlike that of Sphinx Tulon, another notorious wannabe. After being kicked out of Malebranche, he swore revenge and joined the Crimson Fleet Pirates, at odds with Mintaka's leadership he aligned himself with the GE, then after the GE announced that he was a bad example even for an Imperial, he swore revenge on the GE and started his own pitiful band of 3 pirates that I've actually forgotten the name of the group, anyways shortly after that he left that group and decided to start his own bounty hunting group, the only problem being that he was a horrible leader and couldn't quite get ten members to help him create his bounty hunting guild. He then went and posted at local recruiting areas offering the unemployed people 50,000 credits if they'd agree to join his faction for a single day, just so he could claim that he had at least ten members. Since then his group has managed to abuse his god-given ability to execute coma-ridden, inactive or otherwise non-bountied citizens of the galaxy 5 times, erstwhile bragging about how he has "godlike powers".

The fact is, he had no idea Victor von Ismay was even a target, he played absolutely no role in the assassination of the Imperial moff, his entire article on the GNS is an outright lie claiming responsiblity for something he had no part of, except whoring his "godlike powers" for money, and then getting suckered out of even getting paid for it.

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Events in Brief
Year 25 Day 160: Ithorians have opened HerdFest. Please keep on the grass!
Year 25 Day 159: Walalla Trade Route was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
Year 25 Day 159: Tapani Starship Cooperative was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
Year 25 Day 159: The popular band Linkin Bark is rumoured to be making an appearance during the Herd Meet. Reporters are trying to validate these claims.
Year 25 Day 159: Reports show that the Ithorians appearing everywhere have brought some plants with them. Perhaps as a sign of why they are truly here?
Year 25 Day 158: Lux Fabricato was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
Year 25 Day 158: There have been reports of Ithorians appearing on Trading I and Trading II stations as well as inside Powered Starports. The press is waiting for comments on these sudden appearances...
Year 25 Day 158: Tyr Kratos, the leader of Deep Space Trading was replaced today by Sarai Andromeda Morbus.
Year 25 Day 158: Sarai Andromeda Morbus, the leader of Deep Space Shipwrights was replaced today by Slaanesh Andromeda.
Year 25 Day 158: Slaanesh Andromeda, the leader of Deep Space Shipwrights was replaced today by Sarai Andromeda Morbus.
Year 25 Day 158: Sarai Andromeda Morbus, the leader of Deep Space Trading was replaced today by Tyr Kratos.
Year 25 Day 157: The Wild Bunch was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
Year 25 Day 157: Port Nowhere was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.