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LMC - press conference "Mon Calamari"
Hacked by: Samweis, Liberty Medical Center
Date: Year 6 Day 29 Location Unknown
The leading manager of the Liberty Medical Hospital at Mon Calamari was commenting the inconceivable catastrophe earlier today in a first press conference at Eboda Landing.


"We still cant evaluate the whole dimensions of this tragedy, but we are able to establish and continue an immediate support at this planet. Our mobile teams are giving emergency support at site and we also extended the staffpower in our planetary center, to provide the necessary base for coordination and intervention.

All relevant beings and the poeple of Mon Calamari are ensured to achieve free and immediate care by us. We therefore recommend using our limited capacities with a certain responsibility for all the really relevant cases. Meanwhile we will double our funds for the emergency support, we are also encouraging the people in the galaxy to use our efficient donating system if you like to show your assistance and magnanimity."

Furthermore we have informations from Mr. Eboda Raas, who said that "the entire city infrastructure has been put to its highest state of preparedness and all city employees as well as all employees of Eboda Trust Company are assisting in the effort. Further it might be prudent that the Eboda Defence Force has non stop fighter and police coverage so the whole city and areas which were not effected by the virus are well defended and safe."

Then the manager again continues to give a specifical report: "On the clinical sheets accessable at our holosite: << lmc.freeurl.com >> throughout the Galaxy, we enlisted details of the viral-infection to provide a simple check for symptoms for everybody and we will also present the medical analytical data to the public as soon as our research is verified."

thank you for your patience, I will be available for questions within the next 2 hours.

Liberty Medical Center

"its your life!"

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Events in Brief
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